A Conversation for Fawlty Towers

A701894 - Fawlty Towers

Post 21

Smij - Formerly Jimster

Just whack a link to her IMDB entry on her name, that'll save you guesing which shows other people might remember her for. Have to say, half of the programmes I'd have credited her for she wasn't even IN. I was sure she'd been in Mind Your Language.... nope smiley - smiley


A701894 - Fawlty Towers

Post 22

the Shee

smiley - huh "IMBD"?

A701894 - Fawlty Towers

Post 23


A great resource on the web if you want to know anything about anyone from the world of films and anything they may have done:


...then just search away! You can spend hours just cross-referencing across the board of your cinema interests - smiley - cool


A701894 - Fawlty Towers

Post 24


ooops, A Dubya Too Far! www.imdb.com

A701894 - Fawlty Towers

Post 25

Smij - Formerly Jimster

And that stands for the "Internet Movie Database" - it's a bit like h2g2 in that the research is done by all the people who read the site (only h2g2's MUCH better!!!!!!!).

Most of my entries have links to IMDB... most of my books have been copied and pasted from the-... erm, I mean, I have indulged in thorough research, in libraries, with books an' evreefink!



A701894 - Fawlty Towers

Post 26

Zarquon's Singing Fish!

Joan Sanderson was previously in 'Please Sir!' with John Alderton, playing a rather frosty schoolteacher. I can't remember the character's name, though.

smiley - fishsmiley - musicalnote

A701894 - Fawlty Towers

Post 27

the Shee

Thank you much! smiley - smiley

A701894 - Fawlty Towers

Post 28


Well done an excellent a very detailed and infromative entry...smiley - magic

A701894 - Fawlty Towers

Post 29

the Shee

Thank you, Zed. smiley - smiley

A701894 - Fawlty Towers

Post 30


smiley - wow What an Entry! Very thorough and very entertaining - I think you've captured the spirit of the show superbly.

To the Edited Guide with this, now if not sooner! smiley - smiley

A701894 - Fawlty Towers

Post 31

the Shee

Alright. smiley - smiley I'm glad it is getting such a favorable reaction, because I really did spend a lot of time on it... It's hard not to, when I like the subject so much. smiley - winkeyesmiley - biggrin

A701894 - Fawlty Towers

Post 32

Smij - Formerly Jimster

Glad to see this is on its way to the Edited Guide. Really good entry - congrats!


A701894 - Fawlty Towers

Post 33

Danny B

Well done, Shee! Just in time to go in the Python project smiley - cheers

A701894 - Fawlty Towers

Post 34


Congratualtions, Shee! smiley - biggrinsmiley - bubbly

A701894 - Fawlty Towers

Post 35

the Shee

Thanks, everyone! smiley - biggrin

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