A Conversation for Investing in Stocks Pt1

Edited Guide Writing Workshop: A7011640 - Investing in Stocks Pt1

Post 1

John Doe

Entry: Investing in Stocks Pt1 - A7011640
Author: John Doe - U248205

I'd like to know if the material is suitable for the Edited Guide and I'd also like to use charts from Yahoo to illustrate such things as moving averages but I'm not sure if the copyright rules permit this.

A7011640 - Investing in Stocks Pt1

Post 2

Not him

As Far as i can see it's suitable, but thats just my opinion. If it isn't, that'll be a shame, as it's an excelent entry. Charts from Yahoo aren't a possibility i'm afraid.

A7011640 - Investing in Stocks Pt1

Post 3

John Doe

Thanks for your encouraging remarks.

As for the charts, I suppose that I can simply refer people to them.

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Edited Guide Writing Workshop: A7011640 - Investing in Stocks Pt1

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