An idea that never really took off/

2 Conversations

Ok, listen up, if this guide entry works, which It might not... You should be able to read this. This might not be ready for a while now, so bear with me. I've been RPing here on H2G2 for a while now, and I think that the current explanations of the laws of continuity (I'll have links later) just aren't enough. Once I get some more done on this guide entry and see it become more than just a skeleton, I'm going to have a combination of an explanation of the rules of continuity, and (this is the important part) a couple of forums where people can ask questions and practice RP. I think that if new players have a chance to learn the basics of continuity in a practice area safe from any winning or loseing, they'll have a better time RPing here, and be less likely to cause continuity related problems when they RP.

That's all for now, I'll be starting the final draft soon!

Er... Except that I won't. I've basicially quit Roleplaying, and I no longer have any real intrest in the entry, or it's completion.

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