Welcome to the New H2G2 Pokémon League!

2 Conversations

The New Generation of Pokémon Trainers Has Begun.

This is the site of the New Pokémon League for h2g2, so that all Pokémon players, fans, breeders, and comrades can gather to talk and exchange information.

If you know of any Pokémon fanatics, refer them to this page! The League will only grow if it has support!

The Professor-In-Residence.

I am Professor Yew (alternate ego of March Hare, official creator of the New h2g2 Pokémon League), and as professor-in-residence I shall attempt to keep the information on this page up-to-date. Please try to route all correspondence with me about this site and all Pokémon-related things to my page as Prof. Yew.

Should there ever be a Library or Lab, I shall make tables about Pokémon types and also keep information about battle techniques. If there is ever a Battle Arena, I shall preside as one of the referees.

The H2G2 Pokémon League.

Here is the hub for every fan of Pokémon, whether you watch the show, play the card game, play the video game, or live in the Pokémon world. This is a place where we can gather to discuss Pokémon, training techniques, battle techniques, hints and help.

If things go well, I may even create a Battle Arena.

I would create a Library or Lab, for learning about Pokémon and their ecology and evolution, and I would create a Pokémon Registry for those who want to battle and wish to keep Pokémon on the Guide. Your support, and the support of other researchers, will help us to realize this dream.

So start a conversation below, give feedback on what you want to see or what you want to happen in the Pokémon League, and introduce your Pokémon. smiley - cool

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