Susan Ivanova

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Susan Ivanova played by Claudia Christian

Susan Ivanova was born 30th August 2230, in St. Petersburg, the Russian Consortium, Earth. Her father was Andrei Ivanova, who died in 2258 after a long illness. Her mother Sophie, a latent telepath, died at the age of 45 after taking the sleepers for ten years, she commited suicide. The sleepers are a drug developed by the Psi Corp to supress the talents of those who didn't want to join the Corps.

Before dying, Sophie taught her daughter how to avoid the Psi Corps tests, so that Susan's own latent talent would not be discovered. Susan over the years built up a deep rooted hatred of the Psi Corps.

Andrei and Sophie also has a son Gayna, who was killed in the Earth-Minbari War, a year after Sophie commited suicide. Gayna's death was one of the main resons why Susan decided to join EarthForce in 2247. She felt she had to finish what her brother had started, she graduated from Officer Training School in 2249, just after the end of the war.

She was transfered to Io in 2250, and served under John Sheridan for the first time. She was appointed Babylon 5's first officer, as Lieutenant-Commander in January 2258 under Jeffrey Sinclair, who said of her that, "She was the finest Officer he had ever served with."

When Sinclair was transfered to Minbar as the new Earth Ambassador, the new station commander, Captain Sheridan, had her promoted in rank to full Commander.

Whilst serving on Babylon 5, she became very close to Talia Winters, the station's P5 telepath, after at first a rather rocky relationship, she admitted that she had loved Talia, but only after
Talia was revealed to be an unwitting Psi Corp undercover agent.

Susan was mortally wounded in 2262 when the White Star she was commanding fought with a fleet of Shadow-enhanced Earth ships, but recovered when Marcus Cole sacrificed his own life via an alien device which transferred his life force to her. She asked for Marcus' body to placed in Crogenic Freeze on indefinite hold in the event of new resuscitation technology.

Susan requested a transfer off of Babylon 5 and was promoted to Captain, at the request of John Sheridan, and given command of a new Warlock-Class Cruiser for a one year shakedown flight.

Susan was promoted to the rank of General in 2281 and worked in an office on Earth, until she was appointed as the head of the Ranger's after Sheridan's death.


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