Jeffrey Sinclair

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Jeffrey Sinclair played by Micheal O'Hare

Jeffrey David Sinclair was born on May 3rd, in the year 2215. He was raised a Catholic and spent three years being taught by Jesuits.

He enlisted in EarthForce Defense in 2237 and became a fighter pilot in 2240, and was promoted to Squadron Leader the following year. Whilst studying at the Academy, he met and begin his long term relationship with Catherine Sakai. Sinclair commanded Alpha Squadron during the Battle of the Line, the final battle in the Earth/Minbari War. It was a suicide mission, and last line of defense for the planet Earth. His squadron was destroyed in less than a minute, and Sinclair decided to ram a Minbari Cruiser when is ship was pratically crippled in the fight. His shipped was stopped and taken aboard the Minbari Cruiser, where the Minbari were horrified to find out that Minbari souls were being born in human bodies. They released Sinclair after wiping his mind, and soon after surrended the war.

In 2255, he was sent to investigate strange activities on Mars. He hired Micheal Garibaldi as a shuttle pilot, during one flight the shuttle crashed, and Sinclair and Garibaldi were forced to walk fifty miles to safety, the start of a very close friendship.

In 2256, he was offered the post of Commander of Babylon 5, despite being very low on the list of candidates, the Minbari refused everyone until the got to him. He insisted that Micheal Garibaldi be appointed as Security Chief.

On January 3rd 2259, Sinclair was recalled to Earth without explanation. A few days later he was offered the chance to become the first Human ambassador to Minbar. He takes it and whilst there he is also offered the position of Entil'Zha, the leader of the Rangers.

In August of 2260, Sinclair recieves a message from one thousand years in the past. It is from himself, he travels back in time aboard Babylon 4, and transforms into Valen, and becomes a leading religous figure to the Minabari, forming the Grey Council, and helping to defeat the Shadows one thousand years ago, by using Babylon 4 as a base of operations.


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