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Welcome to this week's pick of the best things occurring on h2g2. I will be taking you through Ask h2g2, via some of the
best new Edited Entries and past one or two great
Community activities. So if you haven't been on h2g2 for a bit, here is your virtual crib sheet.

First up we welcome a new member of the Editorial Team. If you haven't discovered Jim yet, why not go over and give him a huge h2g2 welcome?

Since Last Week...

Ormondroyd popped past to tell me that he got so many replies to his ask h2g2 question on Writer's Block, that he decided to turn it into an entry. Writer's Block, the article, has just been picked for inclusion in the Edited Guide. Congratulations to everyone involved. I am sure I will be paying a few visits to read that entry.

It has been well over a fortnight but the Chaps Club is still aiming for the Full Montgomery. Have all those ladies fainted or fallen asleep through boredom? Who knows?

Ask h2g2

Ask h2g2 continues to leave me astounded. What a lot of arcane and frankly bizarre knowledge you lot have! It is a good thing you have somewhere to deposit it.

  • To illustrate just how clever some of you are, I would like to draw your attention to a small but perfectly formed conversation entitled I will name that plant in one. Congratulations to Cloviscat who recognised a purple shamrock called Salvatore, just from a description.

  • One morning, I turned on the television to find Douglas Adams talking about his latest venture and inviting everyone to come over and help him create the perfect recipe for scrambled eggs. Never thought I would end up working here - how did you find h2g2?

  • One subject we never seem to tire of is the Differences between Men & Women. In order to keep the peace all I am going to say is that we all have our good points, and the world would be a very boring place if we were all the same. If you, on the other hand, are in the mood to be more forthright, why not go over and join the conversation?

  • As a nosy person, I want to know what you take to bed at night. In the way of reading material, rather then anything else.smiley - winkeye  If you haven't popped over to tell me What Book are you Reading?, do so. I want some ideas for when I next visit a book shop.

Edited Entries

Here are some of the new Edited Entries that caught my eye over the last week.

  • When I was little and we used to go on holiday, my brother and I used to be allowed to have Scrumpy. So this great entry on one of the noblest uses for apples was a pleasure to read. It brought lots of memories flooding back.

  • As a commuter, I know there are strict rules on how to behave on trains1. So I was delighted to see that there are similar rules for the Tube. Etiquette for Travellers on the London Underground will inform the uninitiated on how to act, so that you appear to be a hardened Tube user.

  • If you want to be a gardener but are thwarted by the lack of a garden, then read the article on Bonsai for Beginners. Minuscule gardening for even the smallest studio apartment.

  • Remember those Name Jokes, that made you laugh to the point of vomiting as a child? Well they are back and they have found their spiritual home at h2g2, naturally.

Community Choice

This week, I intend to stretch your mind!

1See my latest journal entry for details!

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Infinite Improbability Drive

Infinite Improbability Drive

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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."

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