A Conversation for experimental


Post 1


smiley - geek


Post 2


I'm putting this here because I don't really want to discuss it smiley - silly

This place just gets more... smiley - weird

Checked who is online, and saw these user names: Askh2g2/New Unsorted(U239980), Askh2g2/Games(U239981), Askh2g2/Philosophy, Religion & Politics(U239983), Askh2g2 / Music, Books, Film & TV(U239984), Askh2g2 / Sport(U239985), Askh2g2/Chat(U239986), Askh2g2/General Questions(U239987), Askh2g2/Science & Technology(U239988)

No introductions, of course... smiley - doh

Why not simply use a tabbed browser? smiley - geek

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