A Conversation for h2g2 fantasy football-second season


Post 1


Ok, I'm back from sunny Gillingham (!) and ready to resume my position as fantasy league chairman. thanks to Ormy for working out last weeks points (the table's been updated now) and here are the week seven fixtures:-

Chelsea v Everton
Arsenal v Spurs
Watford v Sheff Utd
Wimbledon v Bradford
Celtic v livingston

Good luck everyone


Post 2


Chelsea 2-1 Everton (Hasselbaink)
Arsenal 3-0 Spurs (Bergkamp)
Watford 1-2 Sheffield U. (Ndlovu)
Wimbledon 1-1 Bradford (Jess)
Celtic 3-0 Livingston (Larsson)


Post 3

The Asbury Park Ranger

do ya think spurs will put a spanner in the works for arsenal this week.....lets hope so hehehesmiley - smiley


Post 4

vogonpoet (AViators at A13264670)

Otto, I posted an entry on the use of the internet to lessen the trials and tribulations of long distance relationships over in your review thread...

6-2 smiley - nahnah


Post 5

The Nitpicker

You are OBVIOUSLY new around here - for your future reference we do not usually go around wishing ill on ANY teams. Well you are either a Spurs fan or Manc fan (probably about right given where you live) and as far as I am concerned BOTH of those teams deserve every bit of derision they get!

Sorry to butt in again (see week 5) - maybe I shall just go away from h2g2 altogether - but all I find is people dissing my team every time I just come over to check out what my fellow footie supporters are up to smiley - sadface


Post 6

vogonpoet (AViators at A13264670)

OK look, my mid game rant about Arsenal was wrong, and I am sorry about it, but I fail to see the harm in my last posting - Egon asked everyone in the Week 6 thread not to mention the Newcastle game (he is I would assume an Everton fan), and seemed to make relative light of the rather harsh treatment we gave everton by appending three exclamation marks to his posting. As a Newcastle fan who is also a bit of a tease I am afraid I couldnt resist poking a wee but of fun at him. My use of the nahnah smiley was in jest, and indeed I dont think I ever seen a nahnah smiley used when serious malice was intended.

If Egon or any other Everton fans were seriously offended at my little taunt I would no doubt appologise to him. From our discussion last week I assumed that you Nitpicker were an Arsenal fan. Not being a devout Arsenal fan myself, I am unable to remember every game they have played, all I can say is that I am unable to recall any times in recent history thay anyone have beaten arsenal 6-2. Given the relative scaricty of such a result, and the recent occurence of the Newcastle Everton match, I didnt realise that which match I was referring to was a matter open to debate.

Previous exchanges I have had with other members of this fantasy league had lead me to think that most of us could see an attempt at lightheartedness when was was made, particularly in the presence of a nahnah smiley.

If everyone in real life reacted as strongly to a relatively simple, and in my opinion honest obvious tease, then I would be forced to cut off my own tongue for my own safety.

I remain confused as to why an arsenal fan should be so upset about someone making a light joke at another team. I guess I shall just have to refrain from joking fron now on in conversations for fear of seriously upsetting people I havent realised might be upset by my callous heartlessness.

Not wanting to continue to upset you and other offended members of this thread, or spoil your enjoyment of this remarkably serious thread, I shall leave now.



Post 7

Otto Fisch ("Stop analysing Strava.... and cut your hedge")

6-2?? 6-2???

A few months ago Everton would have lost 4-0. 6-2 is an improvement! Let there be entertaining football. Let there be goals!! Let there be wingers! Let us finish at least one game with 11 men on the field!!

I would nominate David Moyes for manager of the month if it wasn't such a jinx!

Everton for the top half of the table! Unsworth for England! Pigs for test pilots!



Post 8


I think the end-of-season run-in tension must be getting to Nitpicker! I sympathise - I'm a bit jittery myself, and will stay that way until Bradford are mathematically safe! smiley - yikes


Post 9

The Asbury Park Ranger

jesus H corbitt cant anyone round here handle a bit of BANTER,its only a game of footiesmiley - cool


Post 10


...did I mention that Santos played the ball first.

*smiley - run like hell*


Post 11

The Nitpicker

vp - if you had looked it was not YOUR posting I was replying to smiley - smiley As Ormy says I must be succumbing to end of season jitters but it does seem as if every time I drop by someone is having a go smiley - sadface Surely you don't want to see those Mancs win it yet again? As I said to vp before, I would support any other team winning as long as it doesn't directly conflict with Arsenal's best interest (well almost any other team) and if we don't win it this year I would rather Liverpool or Newcastle did than the Mancs!


Post 12


nitpicker- take it easy man. Gloating at others misfortune is the main purpose of BEING a football supporter. APR's comments as a Spurs fan seem justified, in the same way that we Everton fans glory in Liverpool's misfortune. i agree with otto about Everton- at least now we lose in style.


Post 13


Chelsea 3-5 Everton (Unsworth)
Arsenal 6-0 Spurs (Henry) (Sorry APR!)
Watford 1-3 Sheff Utd (Jagielqa, or whatever he's called)
Wimbledon 1-4 Bradford (Cadamarteri)
Celtic 4-2 livingston (Sutton)


Post 14

vogonpoet (AViators at A13264670)

smiley - blushsmiley - doh I must remember that there is an important reason for having the advanced settings on my preferances activated

I also ought to remember not to be tired so often smiley - sigh


Post 15

Great Western Lettuce (no.51) Just cut down the fags instead

Chelsea 4-2 Everton (Gudjonnson)
Arsenal 1-3 Spurs (Campbell og) - Yeah I know it won't happen, but you've got to hope.
Watford 3-1 Sheff Utd (T Smith)
Wimbledon 2-1 Braford (Shipperley)
Celtic 4-0 Livingston (Hartson)


Post 16

Otto Fisch ("Stop analysing Strava.... and cut your hedge")

Chelsea 2 Everton 2 (Duncan, Duncan Ferguson....)
[now watch Radz go and score first.....]
Arsenal 3 Spurs 0 (Henry)
Watford 0 Sheff Utd 0 (-)
Wimbledon 2 Bradford 0 (Shipperly)
Celtic 2 livingston 1 (Larrson)

Best wishes


PS Oh yeah, I think GWL should get the points if ANY Arsenal player scores an og first....


Post 17

vogonpoet (AViators at A13264670)

Chelsea 1 - 1 Everton (Ferguson)
Arsenal 3 - 1 Spurs (Henry)
Watford 1 - 2 Sheffield U (Jagielka)
Wimbeldon 1 - 0 Bradford (Ardley)
Celtic 4 - 1 Livingston (Larsson)


Post 18


Chelsea 0-0 Everton (--)
Arsenal 2-0 Spurs (Henry)
Watford 0-1 Sheff Utd (Tonge)
Wimbledon 3-0 Bradford (Ardley)
Celtic 3-0 Livingston (Larsson)


Post 19


We may as well give him the points if spurs score AT ALL!!!!!


Post 20

Great Western Lettuce (no.51) Just cut down the fags instead

Right I'm holding you to that.
It may have been a slightly dodgy penna, but some consolation would be nice. smiley - smiley

Still, it didn't hurt as much as it could've done, as I won 80 quid on the national. smiley - biggrinsmiley - biggrinsmiley - biggrinsmiley - biggrinsmiley - biggrin

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