Well...whack me nekkid and hide mah clothes!
Created | Updated Feb 12, 2002
I have no idea whether I'll ever try to make this thing into an edited entry, but it'll be fun to find them and put them here.
ain't fittin' to roll with a pig- uncouth and disgusting
air my paunch- to vomit
thicker than fleas on a fat pup- a dense crowd
all gurgle and no guts- same as all bark and no bite
black as a stack of black cats- yep. It's black, allright
cold as a witches caress- brrrrrr. It's damn nipply outside!
drunk as a boiled owl- <bubbly> *hic* <bubbly>
homely as a boil- that's BUTT ugly to you, bubba.
sad as a hound dog's eye- pitiful. aoooooowwwwwwww
slicker than owl s**t- hey! They moderated this one! <grr>
yeller as mustard but without the bite- cowardly
blind staggers- waaaaaay too many <bubbly><bubbly>
bone orchard- graveyard <ghost>
born short and slapped down flat- short of stature
tonsil painting- having a <stiffdrink>
brains in the head saves blisters on the feet- plan what you need so you don't have to retrace your footsteps
if you put his brain on the head of a pin, it'd roll around like a BB on a six-lane hiway <laugh>
my <star>hole grew teeth- <yikes> generally used when I'm the passenger in a vehicle and the driver blithely ignores that lil physical law about only one thing in one place at a time.
can't find his butt with both hands in broad daylight- stupid or incompetent
he did everything he could 'cept eat us- acted very hostilely
gollywhopper- a very large thing
has a bad case of the simples- is stupid
I felt like a penny waiting for change- I felt worthless
more hopeless than a one-legged man at a butt-kickin' contest
since the hog et grandma- in a long time
uglt enough to gag a maggot
snollygoster- a clever, dishonest, self-serving person
weak north of the ears- stupid