Yoghurt soda bread

2 Conversations

This bread is delicious and can be eaten by anyone trying to avoid yeast and/or milk, eg those on a Candida control diet and it's really easy to make.


  • 450g/1lb wholewheat plain flour
  • 2 tsp potassium (or sodium) bicarbonate
  • 300ml/half pint natural yoghurt
  • 150ml/quarter pint warm filtered water

This will make 2 small loaves or one large one.


Preheat oven to 400F/200 C/Gas mark 6. Sift1 the flour and mix in the raising agent, then stir in the yoghurt and warm water. Mix together well then coat the mixture with more flour and liberally flour your working surface. No kneading is necessary.

If making small loaves, divide into two and make into fairly flat oval shapes. Cut a cross on the top. Place on a floured tray and bake for 30 mins, then turn down to 350F/180C/Gas mark 4 for another 20 mins. To test if its ready, tap the bottom of the loaf and it should sound hollow. Leave to cool on a wire rack.

The bread should keep for several days, if kept in the fridge. It can be frozen, if required.


If you want the bread softer try using more yoghurt.

Try using different flours, such Spelt flour2, which has a smoother texture. You may need to experiment with the amount of liquid needed.

1It's important to do this, as the bread can be a bit heavy.2Spelt (tricam speltum) is an ancient relative of modern common wheat which was commonly grown by the Romans. It can be better for people with wheat intolerance.

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