The h2g2 Post 19.07.10

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Posted: 19st July 2010



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It was an interesting weekend. It started somewhat early, with my sister and family stopping at my place for a night on their way to Canada. Fortunately, the day had been a bit cooler, so the flat's temperature was OK.They left Friday morning and after I had cleared all the extra bedding and breakfast table and stuff, I sat down and browsed hootoo. I found a post by TRiG, attached to an article he had had published in the Post. It led me to a website which – in gender genie style – promised to analyse my writing. I was curious, so I duly copied and pasted one of my articles and it came up with David Foster Wallace. I had never heard of him, so I tried another text. And another. And another. Up came names like Ursula K Le Guin, Margaret Atwood, Edgar Allan Poe - and Douglas Adams! I thought this was fun, so I shared the link in a journal. My friends and I spent a very pleasant couple of days having our texts analysed and discussing which criteria the site might use. It was a huge success – so much so, that a friend posted her own journal with her results.

The weather stayed cool and we even had some much needed rain (thanks to my friends from the UK, who sent the bad weather front my way) which was a relief. However, the next heatwave is forecast for Wednesday. I hope it won't dry up my brain again. Before I forget: next Monday will be the last regular issue before we go on our summer break for the whole of August when we'll have our summer specials for you. It doesn't mean you should stop submitting your articles, it just means that anything which reaches us later than Saturday, 24 July will be held over until we're fully back. So, read, write, and enjoy.






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