Talking Point: Future Technology

3 Conversations

US comedian Stephen Colbert holding up an iPad.

We're constantly evolving, inventing, creating; some of us more than others. It's been said that our brilliant founder Douglas Adams was so far ahead of the game that technology is only just beginning to catch up with him. We've got iPads, 3D TV, nanotechnology - we've even got mini motorised fans attached to chopsticks that blow cold air on to piping hot noodles. What more do you want? Well, maybe a bit more.

This week we're asking, is there anything at all that hasn't been invented yet but would make a positive difference to our lives?1

  • What's the next big thing just waiting to be invented?

  • What kind of gadgets do you think we might be using in 50 years' time?

  • Do you think the makers of technology create stuff we don't really need?

  • In terms of medical science are we on the verge of any 'game-changing' breakthoughs? The recent developments in creating synthetic DNA spring very much to mind.

  • Has there been an invention in your own lifetime that's really made a difference?

1'Not too sure about the fan-attached-to-the-chopsticks thingy.' - the other Ed.

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