Profile: Clipboard Cat, the Terrible Technomancer/Hunter

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Subject: Clipboard Cat

Computers with eyes on

Clipboard Cat,Technomancer,Cynic,(A character run by Hunter, the cynic) No.3 on the ACF's Most Wanted List, is a versatile adversary who can asume Cat form with little change to his strategy or personality. With his robotic sidekick, CR Atmos (who closely resembles a 5 foot tall pillbug) Clipboard Cat can be found lurking at the Dog House, and on the Clipboard vs. the Dogs thread.

ACF records listed this electronic enemy as "Potentially" insane, but a regretable breach of security brought this information to Clipboard's attention, and he has publicly refuted this charge, seeing fit to inform us that he is, in fact, totally insane.

While still a difficult apponent to face, Clipboard has toned down his attacks, both roleplaying and verbal, since signing on with the Cats. In battle, this opponent will often take the defensive role, loitering and countering rather than openly provoking our forces. This tactic wears out his opponent, leaving him/her weakened and vulnerable when Clip does attack. CR Atmos, if possible even more stoic and reticient than his master, will almost never initiate attack unless ordered to do so by Clipboard, preferring to wait until first attacked by an apponent and then countering.

Computer tennis

Possibly the first perpetrator of a direct attack on our facilities (i.e., the Dog House), Clipboard has won the admiration of his fellow cats and is (or believes that he is) a high ranking figure among the H2G2 cats.

Over time the CR Atmos Robot has developed self-depricating characteristics and the two have been seen arguing with one another. Some of the ACF High Command believe that it may be possible to induce the Robot to leave his master.

Also an avid Bird Watcher, the CR Atmos may be lured into an ambush by leaving a trail of birds leading up to the trap. Our ACF researchers ae currently trying to figure out how to get the birds to lie willingly on the ground to form a trail for the pill bug to follow. No success yet, but we live in hope.

Clipboard's continued presence on Dog House threads has caused him to be reguarded our semi-resident cat. Many futile attempts have been made to rid the Dog House of this creature, but he has resisted. We all live in hope.

Current ACF intelligence indicates that there is a chance we may be able to "turn" Clipboard to our side, as his continued presence at the Dog House and repeated exposure to Doglike behavior will inevitably be a strong influence on his psyche.

A robot posing as Rodin's 'Thinker'

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