A Conversation for Notes from a Small Planet
It's just as well that nobody in the US ever goes hungry...
Bagpuss Started conversation Jan 31, 2002
...other wise Dubya's comment that North Korea 'is a regime arming with missiles and weapons of mass destruction, while starving its citizens,' could leave him open to accusations of hypocrisy.
By the way, is the Blur song on Beagle II going to be specially written and if so will the rest of us get to hear it, or will we have to wait until little green men turn up whistling?
It's just as well that nobody in the US ever goes hungry...
Ardzil ( Squad No-4 ) Posted Jan 31, 2002
It's just as well that nobody in the US ever goes hungry...
Bagpuss Posted Feb 1, 2002
Lying? No, surely not.
It's just as well that nobody in the US ever goes hungry...
Ormondroyd Posted Feb 6, 2002
Poverty in the Land of the Free, under the great war leader Dubya? Perish the thought...
It's just as well that nobody in the US ever goes hungry...
Bagpuss Posted Feb 8, 2002
Indeed. That would be as amazing as election fraud or the high-jacking of an international sporting competition in order to have an over-patriotic flag waving event.
It's just as well that nobody in the US ever goes hungry...
Bagpuss Posted Feb 9, 2002
No, but I saw it in the papers, complete with a claim by the American organisers that it was "nothing unusual".
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It's just as well that nobody in the US ever goes hungry...
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