A Conversation for Speech Bubble Burst

Bringing society to its knees

Post 1


smiley - ok

I almost bought this, but went for Dark Knight instead - it's now next on my shopping list. smiley - smiley

Bringing society to its knees

Post 2


You won't be disappointed - top, top stuff. smiley - smiley

By 'Dark Knight', I presume you mean the original (Dark Knight Returns) and not the currently-on-the-stands sequel, Dark Knight Strikes Back?

My general disdain for the sequel is no secret, nor is my fondness for the original. smiley - ok One of the defining comics of my youth. smiley - smiley

Bringing society to its knees

Post 3

Blues Shark - For people who like this sort of thing, then this is just the sort of thing they'll like

Ah, youth. I remember that.
Maybe that's the problem with the sequel? Not living up to the expectations of the 'golden' hued original which is viewed through rose tinted spectacles? I still say we won't know what Miller's done until all three issues are out.
I agree about 'V for Vendetta' though.smiley - ok
smiley - shark

Bringing society to its knees

Post 4


I agree too - it also reminds me a little bit (I'm probably putting the cart before the horse here) of Bryan Talbot's Luther Arkwright cycle of stories.

I saw Moore interviewed on TV not long ago and he said of VfV, 'I'd been incredibly naive... I thought that in order for there to be a fascist takeover of Britain, there'd have to be a small nuclear war followed by a violent uprising - when of course all it took was to offer people the chance to buy their council houses.' smiley - smiley

Bringing society to its knees

Post 5

Blues Shark - For people who like this sort of thing, then this is just the sort of thing they'll like

The original Luther Arkrwirght story (3 graphic novels, nine issues from Dark Horse or the Dark Horse one volume collected edition) was written well before 'V for Vendetta'.
Arkwright was a forerunner of many of the things that have happened since in comics, particularly the move towards 'graphic novels'. Talbot was one of the first in Britain to deliberately publish in that format.
smiley - shark

Bringing society to its knees

Post 6


When was Arkwright written? I first cane across it in 1988, in single edition format, I assumed it was originally published in the mid-80s. The original run of V started in 1981-2, did it not? Certainly pre- the massive boost in Thatcher's popularity courtesy of the Falklands war that enabled her to win the 1983 election. (Something which Moore didn't and couldn't have anticipated in his 'future history' in the comic.)

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