A Conversation for Easy Raider Microlight

Wings over China

Post 1

Richard Mc


I've just had a look at your Easy Raider, and wow. Can I use it to go to China where I want to take some hearing aids for kids that really need them?

Wings over China

Post 2


Hello Richard

Tell me more! I'm very open to seeing the plane used for overseas 360 projects and China sounds very enticing. So what's the project? I suggest you put an article up on 360 about it - cutting and pasting whatever you have already got on your computer might be a good way to start. Then post back to this discussion with the article number.

Look forward to hearing from you soon.



Wings over China

Post 3

Richard Mc

Rich...I,m learning...intend to put an article on the net asap..ps were you up writing last night like me V V excited

Wings over China

Post 4


Hello Richard

Looking forward very much to your China article. I'll keep an eye out on your My Space page so that I know when one has gone up.

Off to Old Sarum now to fly a Cub.



Wings over China

Post 5

Richard Mc

You lucky b

Wings over China

Post 6


The Easy Raider certainly has a great pedigree. See A687242


Wings over China

Post 7

Richard Mc

Richard look at my latest posting and feel the passion....believe me this will happen now....360 still wonderfull!!!

Wings over China

Post 8


Just sent you an email. Let me know if you need some help with the article



Wings over China

Post 9

Richard Mc

Richard.....had a great idea..What about involving BT with hear2care along with the BBC...need to push this hard now...any ideas?

Wings over China

Post 10


Hello Richard. Just back from Belfast ...

BT, hear2care and the BBC. One of many potentially good ideas but you're jumping the gun a bit. What we first need is a project.

That means a really meaty article on hear2care and your plans for China, which can be discussed by the 360 community.

I see that you put up an article yesterday that has been "temporarily hidden, because a member of our Moderation Team has referred it to the Community Team for a decision as to whether it contravenes the House Rules in some way."

Not sure what that is all about. I'll find out when I get to the office tomorrow. In the meantime it would be really good if you could put your ideas on paper ..

Best as always


Wings over China

Post 11

Richard Mc

Cheers Richard...If I write it will you help me put meat on the bone...also have checked my posting and nothing jumps out about house rules etc


Post 12

Richard Mc

Richard...have posted a short article...all the plans are in my head and I need support, I'm sure that BT would be interested..but it needs someone far bigger than me to get involved


Post 13



Haven't from you for a couple of days. Are you managing to the those words out of your head or do you need some help there?

Best as always


Post 14


Hey you Guys,

Excuse me for butting in but wasn't there some idea on 360 for a Buddy System? It looks like the Professor and Friendly with Teeth are already Buddying up so maybe you have started it?
Sounds like this is a good case for one. Maybe one of the youngsters (I don't mean to be patronising)would be willing to help?


Post 15


Not butting in at all. I think this is a really good case for the Buddy System. And as I understand it, Maggy is getting her head round just that.


Post 16


Hey Richard,

Yeah, I can see it's up and running now. Shame about the Prof. FwT was doing his real best there. Maybe it was the change of style which was the death knell. Howevever, if I may say so, he really wasn't contributing of himself to the site - only information. He wasn't comprehending people's postings at all. May have been the language issue, I don't know. I hope you don't feel bad about it in the office.



Post 17


You've all done great work to help and keep the professor on side.


Post 18


Hey Richard,

Thanks. The professor will probably be reading this too... He seems to dissipate his energy a great deal. He just needs reminding of what he is trying to obtain - solutions.

There's a great quote from the Talmud I was going to quote to him today if he were still fighting:

"We do not see things as they are. We see them as we are."

Focussing on problems just creates more problems. Focussing on solutions creates solutions. The process is slower - there is so much negativity around it's like wading through molasses, but it still works.

But I guess you know that!



Post 19

Professor T.Shivaji Rao,Environmental Expert

Hai Richard,
Today,I have completed my article on The Three Gorges Dam onYangtze River in China which is a serious public health hazard.Surprisingly,I do not find the authorities have followed international norms on dam Safety which requires preparation of Detailed Environmental Impact Assessment including inundation maps and disaster management reports for implementation during emergency likely to be created due to a sudden failure of the dam due to a missile hit from an enemy country or bombing during a war or landslides or terrorist attacks ,unpreceeded flooding due to incessant rains etc.,
Now it is for you to study the problem which I have presented in tune with the standing of BBC,particularly because of your keen interest in doing something positive to find out a solution to tackle the problem to thr extent possible.If you have further suggestions on the next course of action to be taken,please feel free to tell me.
I am sorry the article got repeated since I did not know how to remove the first article on the topic with the no.A833555.Please get it removed to enable readers to study the second article,a revised version of the first article on Three Gorges Dam.
with best wishes,yours sincerely,Prof.T.Shivaji Rao

i did not understand how to remove the first

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