A Conversation for Another silly story

any more?

Post 1


I like your story . . . so far.

Is there more to this story?

any more?

Post 2


Yes there's more to the story, I'm still working on it. Thanks for the input and please tell others about it,
continue to check back for further chapters.
Thanks Again

any more?

Post 3


The second chapter is now on line read and give your opinion please and pass it on.

chapter 2

Post 4


It's comming along nicely, I like it. good development

A few parts were hard to follow. And i noticed a few typeos - nothing big.

It's too bad that you can't make paragraphs (get spaces between lines) in user pages.

chapter 2

Post 5


Thanks ! will get my editor to correct it and i agree about the paragraphs and all. Oh correction my wife to
go over itand correct it.

chapter 2

Post 6


Your wife's your editor? That's cool. smiley - smiley

chapter 2

Post 7


This is my first time at trying to write a book and she is helping by correcting me in my mistakes as always
but she doesnt get into science fiction like i do. Scince ive found h2g2 ive been buying up Adams books which
is driving her crazy. You got to love it]

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