A Conversation for Frippertronics

Harsman! Here you are with an electronic update!

Post 1

Researcher 202064


Harsman! Here you are with an electronic update!

Post 2

Researcher 202066

... and a bit of analog history - as seen on http://www.loopers-delight.com/loopography/Records.html :

** Pauline Oliveros: I of IV (1966)

One of the first compositions using a tape delay and feedback system was written by electronic composer Pauline Oliveros. Instead of simple closed tape loops, a combination of two tape
recorders was used, similar to the setup that 6 years later, Eno and Fripp used on their first collaboration. Pauline Oliveros writes of her piece:

"I of IV was made in July, 1966, at the University of Toronto Electronic Music Studio. It is a real time studio performance composition (no editing or tape splicing), utilizing the
techniques of amplifying combination tones and tape repetition."

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Harsman! Here you are with an electronic update!

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