A Conversation for Society Against Weather Discrimination
Gift from the gods
Beatnik (middle-class philosophic hobo, and great protagonist of poetic justice) Started conversation Apr 26, 2002
Here's a thought. You might include something on this page like a list of people who have been struck by lightning and have improved their lives as a result. That would definitely icrease the number of thunderstorm sympathizers.
"A little rebellion now and then is a good thing, and as necessary in the political world as storms in the physical." - Thomas Jefferson
Gift from the gods
doreiwolf (why not try A682652?) (Alpha Low Thingite Patron, Defender of Wibble, Pagan Younger and Official Pooper Scooper) Posted May 3, 2002
Now that should test out my research skills (should I be able to find them in all this mess). I like that idea.
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