A Conversation for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (Mormons)

The shadow of the story

Post 1


Today, april 2008, I saw at U-Tube about 15 video's about the Mormon sect that's been visited by the police in the USA these days, because of (structural)incest.

A woman could only get into heaven, if she married a mormon man at the campus ,who have a total different "agenda" than the brainwashed women.

I just cried. It is so sick, so sick. Burried alive, women and children in the madness of the safe haven of a sect.

Only a few women left the guarded(!) compound and took the long and winding road of sectarian-detox.
One woman at a video wrote a book about her specific life in that specific sect.


To see and hear her gave me hope.

Religion and familylife as shelter of rape, incest and death.
I happen to know, what incest caused in my own life.
Leaving the “shelter” took me almost a life time.

The “shelter” of sectarian religion, or the “shelter” of “an exclusive destination” within a family can make a human being so small, that he/she doesn’t have the slightest idea of the content of “I”, or “Me”.

These days there is a huge momentum about child abuse, while I’m also deeply impressed by the brainwash of the female sectmembers.
Quote; “It’s our duty to be SWEET for our husbands. That way we’ll end in heaven.
We say to each others (women); “keep sweet, keep sweet”.

Yes, “keep sweet, keep sweet” = keep running and running and running so you don’t have to feel your absolute despair and anger, because one doesn’t have the slightest hope that ányone could be trusted and could be of any help.

Isolation is the devils playgarden.
Isolation creates isolation that creates isolation.
It’s a strangling chain that takes a life on its own and most never experience freedom.

Most to blaim around the world?
Men of my age, about 50 or older.
Manipulating a younger generation with black and white thinking ánd a clear highway to heaven?!

Parasites of mankind who suck at the feelings of hope in any young generation.

"Don't you want to become a hero like Bin Laden?!" an old man said to a boy of nine years old who wanted to travel back to his parents and not remain at the campus for religious education in Indonesia 2006
"I just want to go home" the boy said.
The man took control over him and the boy did stay.
I'm sure that a couples of years later the boy does not have the slightst idea of the word "I" who wanted to go home.........

Male children in that Mormon compound were expelled when they became sexually mature.
In that position - sexually mature - they would become rivals of the old and dirty.
If an old and dirty wanted to have seventy wives (which happened at another Mormon compound, according to Carolyn Jessop,
it's easy to figure out how many boys need to be "written off".
Indeed, sixty nine. (I’m afraid she said 169).

All these boys during the existence of these noisiness communities, were expelled without any announcement and being outside the gates,
No one, not any person, looked after them and no one knows where and how these boys all ended. Probably in prisons, dope houses, prostitution and adult movies industry. It is known, that in the pornography industry many ex-members of sectarian families found their new "home" and probably they were even better off as companions in adversity outside "the gates" that surrounds every sectarian heaven.

"If this is heaven, I want to be in hell" I remember an ex-member saying.

What almost kills me is the widespread of it all, so well organized and the long terms it all is allowed to exist.
And I know that most of the inhabitants absolutely don't want to leave if they could. That's the result of perfect whatever...

One might think; "maybe they like it".

I see watchtowers and armed guards, just like at the "Iron curtain" in Eastern Europe during the cold war and the Russians always said;"It's to keep evil outside".

Women are not allowed to leave the compound without permission of their "husband"...

That says it all to me.


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The shadow of the story

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