A Conversation for The Sub-editor Report for 2001

It isn't really that final

Post 1

Smiley Ben

Just to point out something that this article misses - there isn't some bizarre process by which edited entries are etched in concrete preventing any further changes, and frequently changes, updates, and corrections have occured after the editing process is notionally complete. In fact, it's a common joke on the sub-editors list that pressing the 'return to editors' button instantly makes people able to see mistakes they've missed, hence fairly regular pleas for the editors to change things that were almost missed.

One of the great things about articles going up on the front page is that it means lots of people look at them, and frequently add their own points of view - it should be remembered that forums are very much part of the information of an entry, and on the rare occasion that someone points out something that was mistaken, it does get corrected.

It isn't really that final

Post 2

Whoami - iD dislikes punctuation

True, but what we're getting at is that once these final woopsies have been sorted back at the Towers, no huge structure changes are likely to occur. Thanks, though, for a well put, valid comment.

Whoami? smiley - cake

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