How To Make A Pipe In A Few Easy Steps
Created | Updated Jan 28, 2002
I will get the info on how to make a few different kinds of pipes to smoke basically anything in up on this page soon. they will all be instructions on how to make pipes out of wood. There will be 2 piece pipes, one piece pipes and info on how to make a carb* and how to make a bowl and various other stuff. If you have any knowledge of which you would like to impart to me, please post it on this page.
The first thing to take in consideration before beginning to make your pipe is what desidn do you want it to be. Do you want it to be multiple pieces, have bends, a screen, carb or not a carb. when you have decided on that then you can begin drawing what it will look like. If you do not have any particular design in order you can just take one of the designs below and use the steps listed for them. for someone who wishes to break out of the ordinary and design there own you must make up your own steps. if you have made your own pipe and wish to share it with me i will post the design and whatever steps you include.
The second step in the process of making your pipe is deciding what materials to use. In all the pipes i have ever made i have used only wood, but you can basically make a pipe out of anything which you would like. The present steps that i have though are all wood. So, now you need to find your wood. I used a birch sapling in my first one and a piece of pine kindling in the other. You want a pice of wood that has not knots in it and has a fairly straight grain. Be advised, soft wood gives your teeth an easier time of holding the pipe in place and hard wood makes it quite difficult especially when lighting it as that is the time when there is the greatst time of hand shortage. If you were to use a hard wood it is strongly suggeted you put grooves on the mouthpiece.
Once you have your wood picked out you need to decide how long you want your pipe to be. In oher words, you need to know how far from your face you want the bowl. I advise you make the stem* appoximately 2-3 inches long. Any less than that and you may burn yourslef lighting the material to be burned and the smoke to be inhaled may well be too hot to stand. Any longer than that and there will be a worse draw and the pipe may be lopsided.
At this point you had better be sure what type of pipe you are making because it is here that they truly do change paths. If you are making a Two Piece Pipe or a One Piece Pipe. If you are still here you should not be because at present all this page has to offer is those two types of pipes.
One Piece Pipes
One Piece pipes are, as there name implies, made of one peice of wood. therefore, when making a one piece pipe you must have picked out one piece of wood that you wish to be the shape and size of your pipe. you cannot join two pieces of wood. if you have two pieces that you wish to join to get your end result, then go to Two Piece Pipes. I assume you have a picture i your head of what the general shape of your pipe will be when it is finnished* and have determined which end of your piece of wood is to be the mouthpice and which is toy be the bowl. If i am incorrect in assuming this, then figure it out now. Once that is determined, you must begin getting the shape of your pipe out of it. The bowl will want to be wider than you stem and mouthpiece.
next you will want to begin carving the shape out. you want to have the mouthpiece come to a point and have the stem thich enough and straight enough to be able to drill a thick enough hole for a large enough quantity of smoke to pass through. you will also the head to be large enough for a sizeable bowl. carve out the shape now. when you have done that you need to begin carving out the bowl.
Carving out the Bowl
there are a few ways to do this. one way gives you a very cylindrical bowl with the sides going straight down. your volume for this kind of bowl will be found in the depth and does not require a wide head. another way is to score the top of the head and break off the resulting pieces of wood. you must do this quite a bit to get a bowl of any depth. the advantage of this is that you get a really cool looking bowl and you get also an easier bowl to pack. to drill the bowl get a drill a bit smaller than your head you want a good wall so as not to burn out and also to keep the pipe cooler. when you have gotten the correct drill size, you must determine the depth to go. if the drill is smaller than your pointer finger than you do not want it too deep because it is harder to pack with your pinkie than your pointer. if the bit is smaller than your pinkie there is no way you will be able to pack it or clean it, so you must get a larger drill bit and if you cant get a larger bit to work with the head, you must scrap the pipe and start again.