Who Galen Is

1 Conversation

This is it!!

smiley - roseStrider gave me this a few days ago, 'cause i was feeling blue, isn't he so sweet!

hard hat area

Hello all

My name is Galen* but i also go by the names* of Vilice and Epitaph.


i found some pics. now i have to figure out where to them you guessed it, i have my driving permit!!Learning to driveA Newton's CradleA wizard walrusA smiley going through several mood changesClassic Goo

A Short List of my Activities:

DancingBoys singing Latin phrases
Listening to good music*

Making Compilations with my good music*
Contra Dancing

Running the 600m for Indoor Track

Being a Coxswain for my High School Crew team, LHRC*

Singing in my High School Choir

Organizations i belong to and Places i am listed*

I am the official "Extremly Tastey And Nutritious (Possibly Toxic) Alien Herbal Tea Tester" for The Guild of Naked Astronauts

I also belong to the Northeastern US Researchers Group

And finally... it took awhile... The Church of Weekendism

I just joined the Royal H2G2 Procrastinator's Society... after a few weeks of telling myself to. Their pic will be up sometime in the future

I have a Campsite it is Pitch 675(at the top of the tree). Visit sometime. I think you will enjoy yourself.
Menu of Links!Picture GalleryThe Font Colour Code ChartSmiley Page

Less-Hardhat Area

Psychedelic astronaut landing on the moon(Hendrix)Wolf Howling At AurorasSome Wicked Cool Thistlessmiley - orangebutterfly

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