A Conversation for h2g2 Life


Post 1

Researcher 178815

They get funnier with time! smiley - smiley (And I've seen every single published h2g2 life cartoon in existence because I had to.. for a task.. in the bandwagon smiley - smiley ) FAAANTASTIC!

smiley - coolaka (",)smiley - cool


Post 2

The H2G2 Editors

And you got the word 's***te' in there too, without moderation.

Damn clever. smiley - winkeye


Post 3

Post Team

smiley - laugh

I had to go and check what you meant then Editors... I take it you mean he used the word s**te? smiley - winkeye

shazz smiley - magic


Post 4


Sums it up for me and I'm pretty new smiley - smiley

Perhaps the word sh**e was acceptable because the word 'fanboy' was in front of it and they are two words which naturally go together. smiley - laugh


Post 5

Researcher 178815

Do you know what? I've been told I'm clever, Intelligent, and Intellectual.. Maybe I am, I don't know, But also, Damn, am I slow! I was checking over my message to see if I had wrote the word Sh**e and dodged moderation.. Does Fish really make your brain better? Cos I have some fish fingers in the freezer... smiley - erm

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