A Conversation for Heroquest - The Boardgame

Oh yeah!

Post 1


I had this game at home. Kind of unusual for a girl. I dispute that it led to the creation of Warhammer though: As far as I know TSR created this form of gaming, in America with their Dungeons & Dragons series of games, and Games Workshop/Citadel minatures are the younger, British equivalent.

You can see Dungeons & Dragons in action in the earlier scenes of the movie ET...it's what the kids are playing in the kitchen when ET is hiding in the garden.

Oh yeah!

Post 2


hi. Thanx for that info I'll consider it as I slowly edit my article. I had heard of D & D but I hadn't realised this used minature models. opps.

Oh yeah!

Post 3


It's a good article. I enjoyed it...It brings back happy memories. My friends and I used to stray from the rules frequently but the great thing about Heroquest is that it inspired the imagination that way.

Oh yeah!

Post 4


What about the advanced versio0n....My brother always cheated on the dice rolls to make sure all the rooms were hazard rooms!!!

Oh yeah!

Post 5


yeah, I got AH too...but really spent most of the time painting the miniatures. If you get your drybrushing technique right they come up lovely!

Oh yeah!

Post 6


I know.....I also found out that I can still get hold of the different types of skaven to complete the AH set!

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