A Conversation for Alton Towers Meet 2002
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deackie Started conversation Jul 13, 2002
I was coz I can't go to the London Meet this month but now I think this is a meet I can go to
The dates are 13th/14th/15th Does this mean not going on Friday evening but staying until Monday instead?
I would love to come. I live a long way down south but I'll just have to skip college on Friday to travel up. Shh, don't tell my lecturers. I have no tent, how much is caravan hire and is there anyone that wants to share? I may need a lift from the station too as I have no idea where anything is.
I do at least have a now though.
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Frankie Roberto Posted Jul 13, 2002
The 13th is a friday! I thought most people wouldn't be at uni that early in september?
As for a tent/caravan - it'd better for you to have a tent as the caravans are seperate, and probably expensive. Can you borrow one easily?
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deackie Posted Jul 14, 2002
I think I need a holiday. My diary runs from this July until December 2003. I wrote the dates down in September 2003, hence I got confused thinking the 13th was Saturday. Don't worry, I think I'm getting old and senile.
As for being back at uni so early, I return 2nd September. I haven't finished yet either, I don't finish this term until 12th August.
I don't know anyone that owns a tent. At least I've got a couple of months to work something out. Unfortunately I am snowed under with essay writing and an exam in 2 weeks so I'm not thinking very clearly. You may have noticed. I've had a brilliant idea, I'll join one of those groups that helps you meet new people. My add will read: "Would like to meet - M or F for friendship. GSOH. Own tent." It might just work
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Frankie Roberto Posted Jul 14, 2002
I tend to avoid him, so it's more of a problem when someone says to her 'oh what's happening between you and frank?'...
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Frankie Roberto Posted Jul 14, 2002
Opps, wrong forum - ignore that.
Well keep us up to date with the tent thing. It'd be good to see you there!
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DoctorMO (Keeper of the Computer, Guru, Community Artist) Posted Jul 15, 2002
I wounder why this forum apeared on my list... I don't know...
-- DoctorMO --
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Waiting Room Posted Jul 18, 2002
Hi deackie - glad you're grinning!
Think Frankie has filled you in on almost everything, Thanks Frankie
- I have to write to the campsite soon with an estimate of numbers, so I will ask about the possibility of Caravan hire at that time. Failing that there is a possibility of tent sharing, and possibly even a spare one floating round somewhere. Plenty of time to sort that out in the run up to the meet. Just keep reminding me of things!
And as for the lecturers - my lips are sealed!
Oh and as for lifts from the station, I am completely confident in saying that we will easily be able to arrange for someone to pick you up at the station (and me too please someone ), again we'll work out specifics nearer the time.
Off to add you to the attending list. If you need anything else, ask away!
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deackie Posted Jul 18, 2002
I may very well have a tent I hope to see it soon and then practice putting it up!
I'm going to sound very dense now, but you may have gathered that camping is not something I do. Where can we keep our belongings so we don't have to lug them around Alton Towers?
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Frankie Roberto Posted Jul 19, 2002
In the tents (as long as they're not very valuable). Or in someone's car...
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deackie Posted Jul 19, 2002
Thanks. I was debating whether to bring my diamond tiara to wear Saturday night but perhaps I'd better leave it at home, I'd look silly wearing it on Nemesis
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Event Horizon Posted Jul 19, 2002
Hey the pub down the road is worthy of you turning up in a tiara However it would be in sever danger when you plummet in to oblivion... Better leave it at home. We didn't have any problems last year, the campsite has someone on the gate, but there are other access points. So best to leave non-essentials / valuable items at home, or lock them in a helpful researchers car
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Clelba Posted Jul 20, 2002
i'm possibly going to need picking up from a station, plus whoever comes with...but this does depend on whether i come and who i bring with me
^. .^
= ' =
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Zarquon's Singing Fish! Posted Jul 20, 2002
Hi Deackie,
My coming along will depend on work commitments as I may have a new member of staff joining us, not sure when, but I can't go off soon after she has started. However, if I can, and you still haven't sorted the tent thing out, you could share with me and sprog. I have a big tent that can hold six if necessary (four's more comfortable if there's lots of luggage).
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Waiting Room Posted Jul 21, 2002
Hi ZFS! Will you be coming for Christmas too? Sent you a mail about it last week. Hope you can make it, 'orsey is looking forward to seeing you there
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deackie Posted Jul 22, 2002
Thanks ZSF but I probably do have a tent now, I just need to practice putting it up so I don't look too stupid whilst everyone else retires to the pub and I'm still putting it up until gone closing time
ZSF, let me know whether you're going or not. Perhaps we could meet up in London and do part of the journey together.
deackie Posted Aug 8, 2002
Sadly a change of plans due to unforeseen circumstances. I won't be able to go now I have to flat hunt and then move so I'll need the time and the money. Maybe next year...
Waiting Room Posted Aug 8, 2002
As for next year, nothing decided yet, but if there is interest I'm sure we will do it again, again! Will do my best to keep you up to date.
Till then Take care, hope everything goes smoothly with the hunting & moving.
Zarquon's Singing Fish! Posted Aug 9, 2002
I'm still not 100% about going. As my computer is playing up (I didn't receive your mail, Deackie!), I'm getting a new one.
Christmas. Yes certainly. The summer meet was great fun. We tied for the quiz, then lost out as most of our team didn't hear the tie-breaker question.
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- 1: deackie (Jul 13, 2002)
- 2: Frankie Roberto (Jul 13, 2002)
- 3: deackie (Jul 14, 2002)
- 4: Frankie Roberto (Jul 14, 2002)
- 5: Frankie Roberto (Jul 14, 2002)
- 6: DoctorMO (Keeper of the Computer, Guru, Community Artist) (Jul 15, 2002)
- 7: Waiting Room (Jul 18, 2002)
- 8: deackie (Jul 18, 2002)
- 9: Frankie Roberto (Jul 19, 2002)
- 10: deackie (Jul 19, 2002)
- 11: Event Horizon (Jul 19, 2002)
- 12: Clelba (Jul 20, 2002)
- 13: Zarquon's Singing Fish! (Jul 20, 2002)
- 14: Waiting Room (Jul 21, 2002)
- 15: Waiting Room (Jul 21, 2002)
- 16: deackie (Jul 22, 2002)
- 17: deackie (Aug 8, 2002)
- 18: Waiting Room (Aug 8, 2002)
- 19: Zarquon's Singing Fish! (Aug 9, 2002)
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