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Edited Guide Writing Workshop: A67625175 - AM I A COMPLETE FAILURE

Post 1


Entry: AM I A COMPLETE FAILURE - A67625175
Author: thesatirist - U14449014

I am ugly, lonely, and reclusive at times, but when I write, cook or jog I feel alive, get dressed and out seeking solace from writing groups & workshops. Has it paid off after 6 years or AM I A FAILURE???

Ace Welcome and A67625175 - AM I A COMPLETE FAILURE

Post 2


Welcome to h2g2, also called 'hootoo'.
Please call me Bob.

No only if you give up then you might consuder yourself a failure, none here will here though you are amoung friends.

By the way I am an <./>ACE</.> (assistant community editor). We are members of the community just like you, but have been around hootoo for a time and we are here to act as guides. smiley - bigeyes

You are going to have a great time discovering this wonderful site, I know I did. I'm here to help you to get the best from hootoo, just as my ACE helped me when I was a new member.

Just look at the bottom of this message and you will see a reply button, click it to reply to this message (or any other). smiley - smiley

Before you start posting messages remember everyone can read what you write. Do have a quick read of the netiquette on h2g2 at A901838.

The thing you can create and edit is your personal space, or any guide entry you write, see A53209 Writing for the Edited Guide. smiley - cool

And lastly, Lil's little list of links, just for you click here A4992357 and Hints and Links: A719840.

Now go and enjoy h2g2, remember why you signed up and go and indulge yourself, and remember: help is only a click away. smiley - smiley

And don't forget to read
The Post, hootoo's very own newspaper. smiley - wow


Ace Welcome and A67625175 - AM I A COMPLETE FAILURE

Post 3


I suggest Back to Entry as the author has smiley - elvised and this is not an article.


Ace Welcome and A67625175 - AM I A COMPLETE FAILURE

Post 4

Magwitch - My name is Mags and I am funky.

Seconded smiley - ok

Ace Welcome and A67625175 - AM I A COMPLETE FAILURE

Post 5

h2g2 Guide Editors


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