The Timelord Quiz - Deep Space 9 - The Solution
Created | Updated May 18, 2006

Here are the answers to the Deep Space 9 quiz set by TIMELORD last week. The first correct set of answers came from SJ, a relative newbie to h2g2! Well done on completing a very tough task... the only small mistake was putting 'luck' and 'wisdom' around the wrong way in the answer to question 10!
Now... the answers!
Q: Doctor Bashir was the youngest person ever nominated for which award?
A: The Carrington Award.Q: Curzon Dax once set fire to which bar to win a bet?
A: Barros Inn.Q: What is/will be the title of Jake Sisko's first novel?
A: Anslem.Q: Sisko, O'Brian and Odo took part in the 'Order of the Bat'leth' ceremony on which planet?
A: Ty'Gokor.Q: Which actor won a 'Tony Award' for the play Coco?
A: Rene Auberjonois.Q: After graduating, which ship was Sisko's first assignment?
A: The USS Livingstone.Q: What was the name of Rom's first wife?
A: Prindora.Q: When 500 Klingon warriors stormed the great hall at 'Qam-chee', who defeated them?
A: Khaless and Lady Lukara.
Q: What baseball team does Kasidy Yates' brother play for?
A: The Pike City Pioneers.Q: What is the 44th rule of acquisition?
A: Never confuse luck with wisdom.
If you enjoyed this quiz please let either TIMELORD or the editor know and we will arrange another one soon!