The Timelord Quiz - Red Dwarf

2 Conversations

The Post is pleased to bring you another quiz with a sci-fi series theme. TIMELORD has kindly put together this quiz. Please send your entries to [email protected] before 26.12.2001.

  1. What are the names of Lister's 3 sons?

  2. What is the name of Kochanski's teddy bear?

  3. Lister has had many illnesses, but can you name 5 viruses he has contracted?

  4. On what ship did they first meet Kryton?

  5. Lister is based on which character from the radio series 'Son of Cliche'?

  6. What game did Holly play against Queeg?

  7. What was the name of the cat that Lister was caught with in 'The End'?

  8. Why has Rimmer never been mistaken for Yul Brynner?

  9. What is different about 'A Cat Book'?

  10. Which actress went from playing The Cat onto a role in Deep space 9?


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