The 'Ask h2g2' Archives - Parenting

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The Parenting Category of the 'Ask h2g2' Archives.

How can I let my kids e-mail Santa?

(Asked by Sho)

Google searching for 'santa e-mail' returns a few sites that allow you send a letter to Santa. They ask for your e-mail address, so you may get a reply or you may be bombarded with spam. An alternative solution is to set up a Hotmail account and do it all yourself. Or, if you want to introduce your kids to h2g2 early (get 'em while they're young), you could get them to post a message to Santa on h2g2. He can be found on his Personal Space. He'll definitely reply there!

Should I beat my children (at games)?

by Tefkat)

There were some different responses to this tricky question.

I don't think you should let him win. It would give him some confidence if you did, but he would probably figure out quite quickly you were doing it. And then his self-confidence would go down more.
- Xanatic
If you win every time, they will be discouraged, so you'll have to let them win. Do it very subtly and only occasionally. Eventually they will surprise you by beating you on the games where you were playing to the death.
- Gnomon
Strike up a balance. Don't let them win every time, but do let them win enough for them to stay interested. Nobody likes losing all the time and unless you're really, really tactless about it, they can't tell when you let them win.
- Rat

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