The Ubiquitous O.K.

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The term O.K. has found popular usage in nearly every corner of the world, but where did it come from, and how did it gain such mass acceptance amongst such a huge variety of people?

Just how did this whole thing get started?

O.K. was originally a colloquial american term which generally means "good", "alright", or "within the acceptable tolerance levels". It is often associated with the so called "high sign"*, and has been used in nearly every imaginable facet of life. There was even a soda named after it briefly. The first known usage of O.K. was in the "Democratic O.K. Club" which supported Martin Van Buren for a second presidential term. The O.K. stood for "Old Kinderhook" which was Van Buren's native village. Since then it has found usage in all of the world's major languages, societies, and marketing schemes.

Come again?

When first considering the origins of this term, it may seem a bit odd, but on closer inspection it becomes clear that it is, in fact, downright weird. Try replacing "O.K." with "Old Kinderhook" in almost any sentence and it quickly becomes apparent that the meaning has been altered somewhat. So how did this come to pass?

Phonetic Hijinks

The general consensus on this is that it just sounds good. No matter what the language spoken, "O.K." has a nice ring to it. The original change in meaning was most likely a mistake*, but that alone doesn't explain the rapid and worldwide assimilation of this term. Its vast popularity is undeniable, though.

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