A Conversation for Greebo's Big One

Yer mekkin me homesick

Post 1


No fair, at least half those songs aren't around this side of the pond. Not that that's a disadvantage when it comes to a certain beknighted songster, but I wouldn't mind hearing some of the others.

Yer mekkin me homesick

Post 2


~grinny grin~
Me so sorry... me thought that several of those songs had become world traits... or at least it seems they are everywhwere... at this time of year...

Yer mekkin me homesick

Post 3


Disappointingly, no. I wonder if I should try to get a compilation with some on to show these Canadians what they're missing.

Yer mekkin me homesick

Post 4


Oh... me so sorry... me didn't realise... ~sad grin~ it sounds a good idea to show others what they are missing... but... ~grin~... will they appreciate your efforts...

Yer mekkin me homesick

Post 5


I think one or two of them might have taste. Anything's possible. smiley - winkeye

Yer mekkin me homesick

Post 6


Yay... then do it... if only for the one or two... though be warned... a Vulcan once said... "The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the one or two..." ~grin~

Yer mekkin me homesick

Post 7


Well, given the instances of Craig David being played throughout the residence, I think everyone's in dire need. smiley - biggrin

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