A Conversation for Happiness

Peer Review: A66031373 - Happiness

Post 1

Colin Shea-Blymyer

Entry: Happiness - A66031373
Author: Colin Shea-Blymyer - U14410041

give it a good thrashing

A66031373 - Happiness

Post 2

Lanzababy - Guide Editor

Hi Colin and welcome to h2g2

We do try very hard not to thrash new authors smiley - biggrin but I will offer some ( hopefully) constructive criticism.

Firstly - well done for writing an article on 'Happiness' as it seems the Edited Guide has nothing on this subject, and surely there should be an Entry. smiley - zen

Here are some related Entries for you to take a look at, to give you an idea of style, length and content.

A735789 Spells and Customs for Achieving Happiness

A685037 Overcoming Depression

A19552214 Cynicism

I'd also recommend you take a little look at the Writing-Guidelines as well. This gives you all you need to know about how to write an Entry that will be selected for The Guide.

I'll just draw your attention to two things, one being the over use of forced humour, which tends to make your piece sound like a pastiche of Terry Pratchett. Whilst this sort of writing is perfectly acceptable for a normal Entry ( ie one that will remain on your personal space for anyone to read) it won't, unfortunately help to get it published in The Guide. smiley - sorry My advice would be to tone down phrases such as

>>>>feeling as light as a brick made of lead which has an elephant lying lazily on top of it.

The second thing is that your article needs to be expanded, with some examples, perhaps, of what makes various people happy? Other reviewers might suggest other areas you could write about.

If you'd like a great deal of support and help to get this off the ground, you may find that the Writing-Workshop is a better place to send this to than PeerReview There are some excellent writers over there who know how to get things really ready for Peer Review.

The bottom line? I think the subject matter is entirely suitable for an Entry. We all need cheer and happiness in our lives.

Do enjoy your time here in h2g2, and if you have any questions, just click on reply.

Lanzababy Scout

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