Prof. C. Tonks' Characters

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The magnificent Professor Tonks has great technological advances to call his own. Many of them have spawned their own intelligences, and now act as characters on h2g2. Here are the ones seen so far.

Professor Christopher Tonks

Creator of all the entities listed on this page (barring himself, of course, but he has played a part in keeping himself alive). Officially proclaimed the Most Scientifically Advanced Life Form in the Known Universe for the sixth year running, the Professor is no position to fall helpless before any superior technology, mainly because there isn't any.

He is also GalaGroup Overseer to the Multi-Galactic Governmental House of San Beta, the most powerful government the Universe over, founder of the GalactiStandards Agency, setting standards throughout the area of the Treaty of Multi-Political Hierarchies, and the first to sign the said Treaty between galaxies and GalaGroups.

On h2g2 his main role is Minister of Science & Technology for the Alabaster House Government, and also Ambassador to the government he rules.
He resides on the Space Station Big C, another creation of his.

The Space Station Big C

One of Tonks' greatest achievements, this vessel is not only the most advanced of its type, but also primary flagship of the San Beta GalArmy, the powerful defence force of his GalaGroup. It hangs in geosynchronous orbit over h2g2 Island when it isn't away on some mission, and acts as both the Professor's home and workplace, where he is currently working on his most advanced technology yet.

Its defences were raised after various unsavoury incidents involving certain h2g2 citizens, and now prevent anyone but the Professor himself from entering. Only with direct authorisation from Tonks would anyone be allowed onboard, and there have only been two cases so far where this was necessary.

Its offensive power is great indeed, and is capable of destroying or immobilising anything that defies it. Best not get in its way, what?


Forever accompanying the Professor in his daily duties, Watch is the product of this genius' years of hard toil with keron-based technology. It serves as the Professor's personal aid and defence/offence system, boasting the highest number of systems in any wrist-bound device. It carries its own arsenal of unmatched high-tech weaponry and can shield its wearer from nearly every kind of attack. Special subsystems include matter/energy manipulators, time travel, dimensional bypassing (now including direct access to the Space Between Dimensions), teleportation, communications, invisibility/ intangibility, and more besides.

As with the rest of the Professor's technology, it follows a simple program that maintains both its subservience and devotedness to the Professor only.

The CompliGrams

A CompliGram is the Professor's patented version of a clone. Made from the exact same matter/energy structure as its original, CompliGrams are exactly like the person they mean to be in every way - except that they just aren't that person.

They are now in their third generation, and are subject to some strict rules: firstly, the person they are copied from is universally superior to them, meaning they cannot fake a person if that person is in their vicinity; secondly, in the case of the PCT range, the clones of the Professor are unable to penetrate the Space Station Big C's defences like the Professor himself is. Additionally, the Professor's own CompliGrams are in possession of a Watch similar to the real one, only with fewer functions.


This was a prototype in CompliGram technology, and served as a backup to the Professor in emergencies. It was quickly replaced by the new line of CompliGrams, and dismantled.


From the second generation, PCT2 was the most advanced CompliGram yet seen. However, flaws were soon found in its mind patterns, and it was susceptible to simple Morph brainwashing, placing it under their control. Only the Professor's universal higher rank than the clone allowed it to be defeated. It was destroyed with a branch of the Morph army in the collapse of an entire dimension.


First in the flawless CompliGrams, this one now serves primarily as the Professor's stand-in for when he isn't in San Beta (which is most of the time since his migration to h2g2). He takes the Professor's place on h2g2 when the roles are switched, and is currently taking a break from governmental duties by playing George Weasley of Harry Potter fame.


PCT4 has only been in existence for a couple of months, and has not yet been assigned any specific tasks. He is currently declared missing in action somewhere just outside the Space Station, having been lost when he tried to enter through the Station's defences.

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