A Conversation for The h2g2 Doctor Who Group

Dr Who Season 4 info - same old, same ol

Post 1



Seems like RTD is sticking to his series formula with comedians and a historical figure turning up.

And Tates return plot looks slightly familiar.

Dr Who Season 4 info - same old, same ol

Post 2

Mr. Dreadful - But really I'm not actually your friend, but I am...

smiley - yawn

And my disillusion doth grow. The sooner the get Stephen Moffat in the executive producer's office the better.

Dr Who Season 4 info - same old, same ol

Post 3

Jim Lynn

Yeah, let's get Moffat in there, and enough with the people who made their names in sitcoms.

Dr Who Season 4 info - same old, same ol

Post 4

Mister Matty

To be honest, I wasn't expecting any major shakeup for series four. "Doctor Who" has got itself into a niche both it and its audience seem comfortable with.

From what I can gather, the Beeb has no plans for a series five. This could mean series four is the last (unlikely) or it could mean 2009 will be a "break" (possibly for the film?) and any return of the series will mean a new producer, some new writers, probably a new Doctor and possibly a new direction for the show. We shall see.

Dr Who Season 4 info - same old, same ol

Post 5

Jim Lynn

"From what I can gather, the Beeb has no plans for a series five."

From what I can gather, the beeb has no plans to stop production after series four. Peter Fincham (controller of BBC One) has publically denied the reports that circulated several months ago that if (as many assume) the current production team choose to leave after series four, it would be impossible to find a suitable replacement, so they'd stop making it. Given how successful it is, and given the show's history of passing from one production team to another, it's ludicrous to imagine the BBC honestly throwing their hands up and saying 'There's no way we can carry on without RTD et al.'

Season Four wasn't officially confirmed until season three was launched, so any announcement about season five shouldn't be expected until the same time next year.

That's my take, anyway. And I'd be amazed if I were wrong.

Dr Who Season 4 info - same old, same ol

Post 6


The Beeb will not stop making a ratings winner like Dr Who just because some one (RTD) decides not to do it any more. If the Beeb can pay Jonathan Ross £6million a year for aradio show and a TV show they could easily tempt Stephen Moffat/Josh Weedon/JMS to take over the reigns and put a rocket up Dr Who and really show what 'British' Sci-fi is capable of. Josh Weedon and JMS have made good 'British Sci-fi' on America where the money has been, they could easily do it over here.

Dr Who Season 4 info - same old, same ol

Post 7

Smij - Formerly Jimster

Yeah, it's awful the way they keep casting people who were well-known for sitcoms... like, um, William Hartnell and Jon Pertwee. Stunt casting is so bad, like... um, Derek Jacobi.


Dr Who Season 4 info - same old, same ol

Post 8

Mister Matty

I also doubt the Beeb would finish on series 4 - it would be very foolish given that the ratings are holding steady. What I do think, though, is that they have no concrete plans beyond series 4 and they might make 2009 a "break" year or possibly concentrate on this rumoured big-screen version.

Whatever, I think it's highly-likely that any fifth series will have a new production team and probably a new Doctor.

Dr Who Season 4 info - same old, same ol

Post 9

Ferrettbadger. The Renegade Master

Joss Whedon doing Who?

smiley - wow I think that would be awsome....

Dr Who Season 4 info - same old, same ol

Post 10

Jim Lynn

I think it would be unlikely, too. Although I'd love to see him write an episode.

Dr Who Season 4 info - same old, same ol

Post 11


Amazing piece of clairvoyance from researcher dot dot dot. correctly predicting the repetition of depressive comments from some contributors to this thread!!smiley - laugh

I for one will hold fire until next March to see the evidence of success and failure as the series progresses. I'm just glad that it has reached its 4th new series. Surely thats something we can all agree on. And as a minority of one I'm really glad to see Donna back on board to avoid the lovelorn assistant plots!!

Dr Who Season 4 info - same old, same ol

Post 12

Smij - Formerly Jimster

Something to bear in mind is that the production team has been working non-stop on this programme for four years. Taking a break from production isn't the disaster we might have thought it to be back in 1985. If it allows the relevant people the chance to recharge, come up with new ideas and maybe try other programmes out for a while - great! After all, last year we had more actual minutes of Doctor Who onscreen than at any point in the show's history (combining the Christmas special and Torchwood).

Some people are determined to make everything into a hysterical disaster - I was embarrassed reading some of those idiotic petitions online demanding that Jane Tranter should make assurances that Doctor Who wouldn't be cancelled. Especially because, if you read their posts on places like Outpost Gallifrey, some of them haven't even bothered to watch all of the old stuff.

Every single story has been made available now, either on VHS or on CD (for missing stories). With fan networks, online illegal downloads etc, any fan with online access can get this stuff. I think all fans should do the 'pilgrimage' at some point - to start with 'An Unearthly Child' and watch / listen their way through the entire series. It's the only way to make sure your opinions have weight behind them, and it also means you completely re-evaluate the series.

Before I attempted it, I'd have said Tom Baker was my favourite Doctor - the one I grew up with. Now I'm a Hartnell fan!

Dr Who Season 4 info - same old, same ol

Post 13



Note to self: summerbayexile has some problems...smiley - winkeye

<... to avoid the lovelorn assistant plots!!>

The simple way to avoid lovelorn assistants is simply not to write them as lovelorn assistants. There have been plenty of good looking young assistants previously who didn't go all dewy-eyed of the Dr.

Dr Who Season 4 info - same old, same ol

Post 14


You may reply to this thread in April next year to say 'Yes SBE you were totally right about Donna!!'smiley - winkeye
I won't even say I told you so!!!smiley - laugh

Dr Who Season 4 info - same old, same ol

Post 15


I do believe that if we all decide that Donna is a good move - I will eat my frilly knickers!
smiley - tardis

Dr Who Season 4 info - same old, same ol

Post 16

Ferrettbadger. The Renegade Master

Apparantly Sir Ben Kingsley is going to be Davros....

Dr Who Season 4 info - same old, same ol

Post 17

Jim Lynn

I find that extremely unlikely...

He's never been in a sitcom.

Dr Who Season 4 info - same old, same ol

Post 18


I would also find that very unlikely. He's not the right height

Dr Who Season 4 info - same old, same ol

Post 19

Researcher 3547123

"Viewers can expect many more ambitious storylines and a whole host of guest stars in 2008."

I dont want guest stars, that's what turned it to ridicule last time. You wait and see, Jonathon Ross and Chris Moyles will get their pathetic mugs all over it.

Dr Who Season 4 info - same old, same ol

Post 20


I thought they weren't doing a series in 2008? Just a few specials...

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