A Conversation for The h2g2 Doctor Who Group

Goodbye, Rose...

Post 41


How about a few episodes without a companion?

It's only been done once previously and it *might* mean that the Dr will have to save the day himself. But judging by 'Love and Monsters' that is not the case.

I also think the Sun might be right. It would keep in with RTD's 'firsts' for Dr Who.

Goodbye, Rose...

Post 42

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

smiley - groan

Any more teasing comments like that and I'm going to HAVE to lurk the Sun online.

smiley - grr

Goodbye, Rose...

Post 43

Dark Side of the Goon

Actually, there might be a couple of firsts if its who the Sun says it is, and if said person ends 'Army of Ghosts' in the manner they are suspected to.

Goodbye, Rose...

Post 44


Grrr, I can't find the article in the online Sun! I've tried searching and can only see snippets in the archives which you have to pay for to view. Am I missing something obvious, or just searching in the wrong place? I need to know!!
smiley - tardis

Goodbye, Rose...

Post 45


Jemstone: 'New' companion...?


Goodbye, Rose...

Post 46


yeah thats what the times said.

Goodbye, Rose...

Post 47


Love you Alfster! Thank you for that. I'd rather have that one than the ex Eastender!
smiley - tardis

Goodbye, Rose...

Post 48

Reefgirl (Brunel Baby)

Oh God they're not seriously thinking of a off cast from Eastenders are they

Goodbye, Rose...

Post 49

Dark Side of the Goon

Calm yourself.

Billie Piper was an ex-teen popstar and wife of millionare irritant Chris Evans. And she did alright.

Actually, I don't think an Eastender is being considered for the role. My Spidey-Sense tells me the production team have something more interesting in mind. I trust them. They haven't led me false yet.

Goodbye, Rose...

Post 50

Reefgirl (Brunel Baby)

I still think someone like Evelyn would be good or Sarah-Jane coming back

Goodbye, Rose...

Post 51

Dark Side of the Goon

You're right.

SJS won't happen, but it'd be interesting.

Goodbye, Rose...

Post 52

Reefgirl (Brunel Baby)

Cheers Gradient, I know it'll never happen but I can dream

Goodbye, Rose...

Post 53

Dark Side of the Goon

OK, so...which other companions would you like to catch up with, Reefgirl? I often wonder what happened to the other two from the Pertwee Era. And Ace.

Goodbye, Rose...

Post 54

Smij - Formerly Jimster

I was talking about this with friends this weekend and we realised how few of them could come back - assuming the character would have to be on present day Earth and the original actor is still alive:

smiley - cake Ian Chesterton - in his seventies now, which might be a bit much for the kiddies.

smiley - cake Dodo - and who cares? (Besides, the original actress doesn't act any more)

smiley - cake Polly.

smiley - cake Liz Shaw.

smiley - cake Jo Grant.

smiley - cake Tegan (and the actress isn't acting any more, aside from a one-off apeparance in a Big Finish audio).

Ace has had three different exits in the various linked books, comics and audio series, and one of those was pretty final, so it's hard to know whether she could return.

Goodbye, Rose...

Post 55

Reefgirl (Brunel Baby)

Charley from the Eigth Dr era and Evelyn, maybe Jamie and Zoe

Goodbye, Rose...

Post 56

Dark Side of the Goon

Jamie and Zoe - minds wiped by the Timelords.

Liz Shaw - actually, I would love to see what became of her. I had imagined her running one of the space programs that we came across in the Pertwee stories, but these days I lean more towards her consulting for the British Rocket Group and ignoring Lethbridge-Stewart's yearly Christmas card.

Ian Chesterton - now, that would be a real fan moment. Yep, too much for the new fans and the kids...but...what would have become of him? I'm not even sure where he departed the Tardis.

Goodbye, Rose...

Post 57

Kerr_Avon - hunting stray apostrophes and gutting poorly parsed sentences

He and Barbara used the Daleks' time-capsule to travel back to 1966 (two years after they'd left), where they were presumably arrested for abducting and probably killing one of their pupils.

I don't see why William Russell's age should be an issue, kids are used to programme's with older people in. If they watch bloody Eastenders then they're familar with Jim Barrinigan, Patrick whatshisface et all. Also, Ian's age would help bring home the concept to children that the Doctor is *old*.

smiley - ale

Goodbye, Rose...

Post 58

Reefgirl (Brunel Baby)

Jamie and Zoe could start again with the new Dr

Goodbye, Rose...

Post 59

Mr. Dreadful - But really I'm not actually your friend, but I am...

Much as I love classic Who I think bring back old companions on a long-term basis would be A Bad Idea.

Goodbye, Rose...

Post 60

Smij - Formerly Jimster

But neither Jamie nor Zoe is in the present day (which was the stipulation that me and my mates were discussing as to which ones they might have been able to pick instead of Sarah Jane) and of course neither of them would remember who the Doctor is. smiley - sadface

Also, Wendy Padbury doesn't act any more; she's an agent (and Colin Baker's one of her clients, I believe).

I think it's a shame the original idea for Mawdryn Undead wasn't possible - having Ian as the teacher at Brendan School. It never made sense to have the Brig there and it caused all those arguments about when the UNIT stories were set.

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