A Conversation for The h2g2 Doctor Who Group

Top Five Stories

Post 1


These are my top five:
5. Logopolis
4. Frontier in Space
3. The Two Doctors
2. The Green Death
1. Rememberance of the Daleks

Now it's your turn.

Top Five Stories

Post 2


5. The Time Meddler
4. The Deadly Assassin
3. Frontier in Space
2. The War Games
1. Rememberance of the Daleks

spooksmiley - aliensmile

smiley - ufo

Top Five Stories

Post 3


My top five, at this precise moment as it tends to change are;
5: Inferno
4: Caves of Androzani
3: An Unearthly Child (just that episode mind)
2: The Mind Robber
1: Ghost Light

Top Five Stories

Post 4

Dark Side of the Goon

I can't do five! Need 10!

10 - Earthshock (take that! you fiend companion)
9 - Invasion
8 - City of Death (gigglefest)
7 - Revelation of the Daleks
6 - Black Orchid
5 - Horror of Fang Rock
4 - Spearhead from Space
3 - Genesis of the Daleks
2 - Remembrance of the Daleks
1 - Ghost Light (although I have no idea what it was all about)

Top Five Stories

Post 5


Currently in the middle of a big rewatch in chronological order, so this is subject to change...)

5. Talons of Weng-Chiang
4. Genesis of the Daleks
3. Deadly Assassin
2. Seeds of Doom
1. Pyramids of Mars

I make no apologies for the Hinchcliffe/Holmes/Baker bias!
However, if I was disqualified from using stories from seasons 12-14...

5. The Curse of Peladon
4. The War Machines
3. The Aztecs
2. Logopolis
1. Inferno

Top Five Stories

Post 6

Veers Revett, Imperial Assassin & Palbert, the once-fat cat. (Happy to see someone VERY special has joined h2g2)

I also make no apologies for my biases.

5. Horror of Fang Rock
4. City of Death
3. Remeberence of the Daleks
2. Robots of Death
1. Shada

And, if I was allowed boks, 'Lungbarrow' would be in there somewhere.

Top Five Stories

Post 7



5. The Daleks/The Mutants
4. The Time Meddler
3. Genesis Of The Daleks
2. Vengeance On Varos
1. Remembrance Of The Daleks

Top Five Stories

Post 8

Veers Revett, Imperial Assassin & Palbert, the once-fat cat. (Happy to see someone VERY special has joined h2g2)

Yea, Shada. What's wrong with Shada?

Top Five Stories

Post 9


Shada would have been a good Doctor Who story, but strikes meant that it was never finished. Although what was made was good, I don't think that an unfinished Doctor Who story could really be the best.

spooksmiley - aliensmile

Top Five Stories

Post 10


I agree - especially as it was the final episodes that are largely unavailable. Android Invasion would be a great story if all the episodes kept up the standard of the first one... but they don't. Never judge a story by the first episode(s) alone.

Top Five Stories

Post 11


Yes, I've no objection to Shada per se - what with it being DNA, and it would have been broadcast on my birthday etc., but I feel it not existing is a buit of a disadvantage. Although I was tempted to include "The Tenth Planet" in my top five....


Top Five Stories

Post 12


I've seen the Tenth Planet and it is a good Doctor Who Sttory, with it being the first to have the Cybermen in it, and the first regeneration. However, I do not like the way the Doctor died. It made the Doctor look weak and not the strong Doctor seen in other episodes.

spooksmiley - aliensmile

Top Five Stories

Post 13


I'm afraid I must differ, Spook: the Tenth Planet has several good ideas in it but virtually no plot (basically the cybermen keep invading and keep getting kicked out over and over). Plus, I can suspend disbelief only so far, and the sight of a monster visibly held together by sticky-tape is too much. Hartnell's illness spoils it too, as you say.

Top Five Stories

Post 14

Veers Revett, Imperial Assassin & Palbert, the once-fat cat. (Happy to see someone VERY special has joined h2g2)

Shada was fantastically scripted, with some of the best dialogue of any story ever, which is why I list it as my favourite. The fact that it was never finished just serves to show how good it could have been. Also, it has the most ludicrously costumed villain, which always gives me a laugh. I wish that the scenes set on Shada itself had gotten filmed.

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