A Conversation for Recursive Laughter
Alternative Writing Workshop: A654392 - Recursive Laughter
Martin Harper Started conversation Nov 7, 2001
A not terribly serious entry on laughter which causes further laughter... useful for those 'happiness on demand' needs...
So you find me funny? Funny how exactly?
Spiff Posted Nov 19, 2001
Hi Lucinda, hi Al,
I love the idea of the fat men (and women, of course!) laughing at me laughing at them etc. Cool.
One or two typos etc.-
indefinately - indefinItely
<> - do you really mean preSents?
Onamatopeia - OnOmatop(O)eia - I can accept that the (o) is not always included, but the first O is a valid correction.
Paparazzi - I am assuming this is a gag (and a funny one ) and that you know the real origin of the word.
mass inquest - what is a mass inquest?
Iraqi - I realise this isn't particularly serious (!), but weren't the Iraqis more involved arguing with Iran in those days than being bombed by the US? (whether by the HGGttG books or napalm or whatever it was in those days)
cemetary - cemetery
timely - is this really what you mean? I understand 'timely' to mean 'at the right time' or even 'not a moment too late'. You seem to be using it as analagous to 'spatial'. For me, 'spacial' is to 'space' as 'temporal' is to 'time'.
This may look as if I took all this stuff *too* seriously. Actually, I had a good laugh at it. Now, how can I get someone else going?
Thanks for a fun read, anyway.
One paparazzo, a pack of paparazzi
Spiff Posted Nov 23, 2001
The story is that the 'original' paparazzo (yes, that's the singular!) was based on Tazio Secchiaroli. 'Based on' because Paparazzo is the name of the photographer in Fellini's La Dolce Vita (1960).
Secchiaroli, became famous overnight in 1958 when he snapped the enraged former King Farouk of Egypt overturning a restaurant table, and the actor Anthony Steele reacting in fury while Anita Ekberg waited for him in a car, gave Fellini a lot of help in researching the character.
This type of 'scandal-snapping' is now widespread and the photographers are labelled paparazzi, but at that time Secchiaroli and his comrades and rivals would have been known only as street photographers.
Now where's Michael Caine when you need him?
One paparazzo, a pack of paparazzi
a girl called Ben Posted Nov 29, 2001
It is a great entry Lucinda. Elegent, funny, visual, and just the right length.
*jealous as hell*
One paparazzo, a pack of paparazzi
a girl called Ben Posted Mar 2, 2003
Lucinda, what are your plans for this entry? Do you want it in here, (where it will be considered for the UnderGuide)?
One paparazzo, a pack of paparazzi
Martin Harper Posted Mar 3, 2003
I guess I'll remove it, same as the last ones. Though it's a better article than the search engine and capitals ones. Ho hum.
One paparazzo, a pack of paparazzi
a girl called Ben Posted Mar 3, 2003
Well the underlying question is do you want it considered for the UG - ie are you still prepared to have official entries on h2g2. If do still want old stuff to be considered, then leave it here, and in the fullness of time it may be picked and appear on the front page.
'Tis up to you!
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Alternative Writing Workshop: A654392 - Recursive Laughter
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