
1 Conversation

It is a commonly known fact that the trombone (which developed from the medieval sackbut)is the sexiest, coolest, and, of course, loudest instrument in existence (9 out of 10 trombonists agree).
It is probably the most versatile of all instruments. it can play in orchestras, wind bands, brass bands, pop groups, jazz groups, big bands... ...the list is endless.
Many trombonists are not famous for their trombone playing, but for other contributions which they have made to the world of music. The late, great Glenn Miller was a superb trombonist, but is remembered for his big band musical prowess. Trombonists now conduct the RAF central band, the premier S.Western Youth Wind Band, and many more world famous ensembles.
The trombone is almost unique among instruments in that it can "glissando" with sublime ease. This allows it to play tunes like "The Acrobat" (The Johnny Briggs theme tune) much better than any other instrument.
But of course probably the best feature of the trombone is the fantastic number of innuendos it can give. What other long, extendable instrument with a huge bell end do you grease before you blow it each night?

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