A Conversation for Eureka Springs, Arkansas

Edited Guide Writing Workshop: A65381105 - Eureka Springs, Arkansas

Post 1


Entry: Eureka Springs, Arkansas - A65381105
Author: deverev - U14395745

I am new to the H2G2 community, although I have been reading it for some time. I would appreciate comments and criticisms on the organisation, relevance, and subjectiveness of the entry.

A65381105 - Eureka Springs, Arkansas

Post 2


I want to visit. Especially that castle. smiley - run

I like this. It has that wonderful touch of someone who knows a place well and who loves it despite (or even because of) its quirks.

smiley - biroThis sentence is a bit confusing and would benefit from a re-word:
"Although the Bed and Breakfasts there are slightly pricey, the aren't that much more than the hotels, and are far more worth it. For romantic purposes, The Heartstone Inn is fabulous and has an adorable couple running it that are straight out of the heart-warming romance flick, Wall Street in Mayberry, which isn't a real movie, but would be if Rob Reiner had stayed there."

You may also want to check for loose ends - The Great Passion Play is a heading, so the sentence below it needs to be complete in itself (for example).

Whilst it will need putting in GuideML format, we can review it quite happily without it. If you do decide you want to try to do it yourself, reply to the message I left you on your Space and I'll give you a brief run-down. Otherwise leave it for now and we'll sort it later. smiley - ok

smiley - applause I like this a lot!

smiley - fairy

A65381105 - Eureka Springs, Arkansas

Post 3


Eureka Springs already has a mention in the Arkansas Entry at A781896, but I think this is definitely worth an article in its own right.

smiley - fairy

A65381105 - Eureka Springs, Arkansas

Post 4

Skankyrich [?]

Yeah, I like stuff like this too smiley - ok

A65381105 - Eureka Springs, Arkansas

Post 5


It did have promise, but as the author has regrettably smiley - elvised, I'd like to propose the Flea Market.


A65381105 - Eureka Springs, Arkansas

Post 6

h2g2 Guide Editors

smiley - biro Removed from EGWW, back to Entry.

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