A Conversation for h2g2 Smiley Ideas List


Post 101


is it hot tub time again*owly strips*

andysmiley - bat


Post 102

Vicki Virago - Proud Mother

It's a bit cold isn't it?


Post 103


Not where I am! smiley - boing

*more naked dancing*

smiley - biker smiley smiley - biker smiley etc smiley - puff

Whew think I need to sit down.....smiley - zen


Post 104

Vicki Virago - Proud Mother

smiley - laugh Oops smiley - sorry Did you hear me?!!smiley - biggrin

I wasn't smiley - laugh ing at anything in particular. Honest!!!smiley - winkeye


Post 105

Vicki Virago - Proud Mother

Well this thread didn't last very long. Have we all given up?

Typical male attention span!!


Post 106


No no not given up, just resting!

*even more dangly nude dancing*

smiley - biker smiley smiley - biker smiley smiley - biker smiley rah rah rah


Post 107

Vicki Virago - Proud Mother

smiley - laugh

I think I'll just stand here at watch!!!smiley - winkeye


Post 108

Wrinkled Rocker

There's a turnabout smiley - bigeyes normally it's the Bruces perving the Sheilas smiley - tongueout

*does hula-type dance movements with hilarious dongling response* smiley - laugh


Post 109

Vicki Virago - Proud Mother

smiley - yuk

Put it away!!!! Please!!!!smiley - grovel


Post 110


smiley - laugh

Hey! This isn't a spectator sport! smiley - blush

Now where did I put it? Ah yes smiley - towel

*towel covered dangly dancing*

smiley - biker smiley smiley - biker smiley rah rah rah


Post 111

Wrinkled Rocker

smiley - erm Badsmiley - zen, I think you need a bigger towel? smiley - yikes

You need to cover up those knees, mate - they're even uglier! smiley - tongueout


Post 112

Vicki Virago - Proud Mother

smiley - laugh

I had to look twice at the last post!!!smiley - winkeye


Post 113


smiley - pony

smiley smiley rah rah rah


Post 114


By the way WR had a Castle Lager today - not a bad smiley - alesmiley - smiley


Post 115

Vicki Virago - Proud Mother

smiley - blush

As big as that hey!!smiley - laugh In your dreams matey!!


Post 116

Wrinkled Rocker

Thanks on the Castle - it differs a little according to which brewery actually makes it. I prefer Windhoek lager myself from Namibia. smiley - cheers


Post 117

Vicki Virago - Proud Mother

So I suppose just cos you got one of them silly eclipse thingies, you an ignor our campaign!!!!

Typical men!!smiley - tongueout


Post 118

Wrinkled Rocker

Eclipse? Nothing out of the ordinary.
It was an overcast day, just like any other, except for a minute of unexpected darkness before it became light again.
I don't know what all the fuss was about! smiley - yawn 60 000 people just packed up their picnic baskets, climbed into their cars and drove home again - a one hundred kilometre traffic jam! smiley - groan

The Campaign is NOT forgotten! smiley - yikes
I am now engaging in some smiley - zen meditation to consider the best way forward.
Nobody seems to notice unclothed naked people smiley - wow protesting their need for a smiley - biker smiley, so what can we do to attract the attention of the 'powers that be'?

Any suggestions, VV? smiley - huh


Post 119


smiley - biker smiley smiley - biker smiley smiley - biker smiley rah rah rah

Ah well, that's enough dancing - think I'll join WR in some smiley - towel covered-only-a-bit-nude meditation... smiley - zen


Nah, I've had enough of that hippy stuff. It's an smiley - ale for me. More dancing later. smiley - alesmiley - alesmiley - alesmiley - ale Ah thasshh bettersh now I can really boogey

smiley - biker shmiley (hic) smiley - biker shmelly smiley - biker smelly rah (hic) rah

(I guess all we can do is keep asking. In reality, I'm sure the powers-that-be are aware of our request and will hopefully get to it eventually...)


Post 120

Vicki Virago - Proud Mother

What about a BIG p*ss up!!

Invite everyone over for a party.....

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