Hullabaloo's Vogon Poetry

1 Conversation

To Salamander The Mugwump

Commissioned by STM

O Beautiful, magical Salamander!smiley - rose

Every day on the calendar

You keep yourself nice and snug and warm,

Away from the rain and heavy storms

By living in the roaring fire

Dreaming of your heart's desire

Or a vampire smiley - vampire

- or something you'd quite like,

or something you wouldn't mind having, on the whole, in a way, sort of.

In incendiary glory there you stay,

Like a statue in a studio or the bridge o'er the river Tay,

Sending your messages on their way.smiley - run

Unless you're a kind of newt.

Friends might call you Sal or Manda

Or speak of your literary-critical candour

But your duty

Is to be above all that,

To be

The incarnation of Heavenly Beauty smiley - angel

Even if you're a newt

With a mugwump inside, observing all,

From servant's quarters to dining hall,

making up secret thoughts on science smiley - scientist

And anything else that troubles your conscience

Great Mugwump Sal

Great wondrous, magical Salamandersmiley - rose

All a poor poetic genius can do

Is lay this masterpiece at the feet of you

And make you by the power of Art even grander

O Salamander.

- even if you're a newt.

(and if you are I bet you're a Heaven-sent beauteous one)smiley - rose

smiley - rosesmiley - rosesmiley - rosesmiley - rosesmiley - rosesmiley - rosesmiley - rosesmiley - rosesmiley - rose

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