
3 Conversations

Prostitution - The Oldest Profession

"A Kiss may be grand but it won't pay the rental..."

Skint? Single? Been F**ked over by some bloke or another too many times? Jobless? Desperate? Tired of unrewarding crap loveless sex? Why not go whoring and have lucrative crap loveless sex instead?

Time, sex and money are highly valued within human society, so selling one's body temporarily to another who wants it for sex can be a profitable game. But 'the game'has many problems, a professional f**k can be a total headf**k. This article outlines some of the ups, downs, ins and outs of selling oneself.

By the time someone seriously considers working as a prostitute, they have usually reached a certain level of financial and/or personal desperation. Its not a pleasant profession, not a thing one can take pride in (certainly less brag about) and not an experience that will gain points for your CV.

The main thing going for it is the pay. Attractive 'high-class' escorts can earn upwards of £150 per hour, and just a few sessions can earn what may take a month to earn via legal, respectable routes. Occasionally desperate times call for desperate measures, and if you are a pretty girl accustomed to casual sex, with monster debts, and a mature sexual confidence a few sessions as an escort could net that grand you owe in overdue rent.


Granting or withholding sexual favours has been a part of human interaction for as long as there have been humans, and as trade and commerce developed within human culture, sex is a service like any other where supply and demand interact within the free-market.

Marrying a rich fella you don't love is whoring yourself, so is binning your principles to take a well paid job marketing landmines. Morals and ethics are tricky concepts... The law is a different matter though.

In most countries, prostitution is illegal, though the rules vary from place to place. Within the UK, technically its illegal to solicit for paid sex, though being paid for sex is technically sort of legal. But running a brothel is illegal. Living off immoral earnings is illegal, and not declaring your earnings to the taxman is also illegal. The chances of being prosectuted are slim, but the risk of arrest is the least of your worries.

It can be very dangerous work - prostitutes are a vulnerable and easy target. Murders of prostitutes are such a common occurance that they rarely make the headlines. Abuse and violence from the client is not unlikey either, after all you will be alone and vulnerable with a stranger - which is a position one's always been advised against.

And there is the danger to your sexual health. Sexually transmitted disease is a real risk. Most girls use condoms (many use 2 and a diaphram) but nevertheless the risks remain. Rapes of working girls are all too common, and in this case you lose all control of the situation and could be forced into unprotected dangerous sex.

Some prostitutes work independently, from the desperate junky teen squatter who will do almost anything for almost nothing - to the "bored housewife/dancer/fitness instructer" who advertises herself online and charges from £100+ per hour and works to her own agenda.

For maximum safety most prostitutes have pimps and/or drivers, or work from a brothel, or an escort agency. Within London's Soho there are brothels run by collectives of self-managed girls, who charge around £30 per half hour, and look after themselves and each other.
Escort agencies that call themselves 'high-class' are where you will find the best hourly rate, from £150+ per hour. Its crucial to work with an agency that you trust, firstly for your safety, second for support and thirdly to get you in touch with the clients.

You can find adverts for 'open minded attractive women' in the back of jobs papers like Loot and at many websites. A good agency will be run by someone you feel you can trust, with experience of the game, a healthy client list, and a clear policy on safety.

Its the madams job to check out the client, keep track of times and adresses of the girls appointments, and to speak with the girl before and after each session. This 'check-in' call should be made in the view of the client, so that he knows that she knows exactly where you are, who you are with and when you expect to be finished.


Some prostitutes have successful, lucrative and occasionally notorious careers - Mrs Fliess, the 'Hollywood Madam' with a contact book the press were dying to see, and Cynthia Payne (Madam Syn to her slaves) who held wild kinky parties in Streatham - a South London suburb, and was the subject of two films. ('Personal services', where she was played by Julie Walters and 'Wish You Were Here.') Both of these notorious madams have spent time in jail.

The 'tart with a heart' is a common theme in fiction, in films such as 'Moulin Rouge' where Nicole Kidman plays a desirable courtesan who is forced to sleep with a greasy theatre patron, falls in love with Ewan McGregor (who wouldn't) sang lots of songs and then dies...

Julia Roberts fared much better in 'Pretty Woman,' netting an implausibly rich and wonderful boyfriend in the not unattractive shape of Richard Gere.


People with the looks and money of Richard Gere are unlikely to end up paying for sex. The clients are more commonly lonely businessmen, without the time, charm or inclination to 'pull' a real woman. A madam once put it this way"80% of the time he'll be ok, 10% of the time you have a wonderful client and a great time, and 10% of the time he's hideous and the whole thing is a nightmare."

Ultimatley, selling or buying sex devalues it. Some whores never kiss any of thier clients (to save some kind of intimacy for their non-paying lovers) and others detach themselves from any non-commercial relationships with men.

The longer you remain in the game the more difficult it will be to re-enter the respectable world of legal work and loving sexual relationships. Though prostitution is the oldest profession, it has never been much use as a career, cos "we all lose our charms in the end."

Selling your self is a fairly miserable lifestyle choice, and its only slightly preferable to a 50hr a week slog in a soul-crushing office/retail job because its twice as well paid and only takes up a few hours of your valuable life. As an emergency cash maker it works, but its not what anyone could call a good living.

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