The Magic Prince of Flundia

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This is a story-to-be, which I can only tell in outline form at present. Some of the material in "Kingdom Gone" may be combined with it, because KG describes the breakup of an ancient kingdom, and MPF relates the subsequent innovative piecing-together of the former parts.

First of all, the Magic Prince always claims to be a scientist, not a magician. His science is so advanced that it *looks* like science to people who don't understand it, just as electricity and the Internet would look like magic to Julius Caesar or Charlemagne.

The "Kingdom" does not exist as a contiguous whole. It can't so exist. The uncle in KG forfeited the kingdom (due to gambling debts)
to a wealthy extraterrestrial, who sold it off piecemeal on eBay. The land is still there, but almost all of the beautiful-made buildings and furnishings were moved to wealthy bidders all over the world.
The citizens of the Kingdom cannot get them back, though strategic parts of the buildings can be rented back, and linked through the prince's "magic" technology.

He is no longer the presumptive heir to the throne, having forfeited his claim by falling in love with Cloritenka Mudgeby, a woman much too far back in the line for the throne.

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