Rex The Runt

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So... What is Rex The Runt?

Rex the Runt is, undoutedly the greatest TV to be shown on television ever. It is an animation apparantly made by the same people as Wallice and Gromit. Although it is far more surreal. The general idea of the plot is that the very two inch tall dogs Rex, Bob, Wendy and Vince live in a semi-detached together, and have wackey adventures. It was first put onto television in the Christmas of 1998 and was not shown again until September 2001. It is currently on BBC two at 10:50 PM every Sunday.


The main characters in Rex the Runt are:

Rex (The Runt): This is the star of the show. he is a pretty sensible dog with very light brownie fur.

Bob: Bob is a large fat dog with an eye-patch and a gun.

Wendy: Wendy is the only female dog in the house. She seems a lot like Rex.

Vince: The greatest character on TV ever he has a rare medical problem known as random pavorotti desease, this forces him to randomly sing opera. His catch-phrases include "Figero Figero FIGERO!", "Jam", "I like jam", "Spagetti" and more recently "Kill!".

What can I expect from an episode of Rex the Runt?

The basic idea behind each episode is that they move really quickly; for instance one ten minute episode began with the cast needing more money, so they won the lottery jackpot, which was the city of Birmingham. Because they found it hard to take control of Birmingham they shrunk it using a ray gun. In the end they decided to shrink more cities and keep them as pets, but they made too much mess so the cast decided to release the cities and let them roam free.
Surprisingly this speed adds something to the general theme of wackeyness and makes the program a lot funnier.

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