Laos - A Secret War

2 Conversations

The information contained here is available from lots of official sorces. Almost all of it is covered by court transcripts from Civil Case 861146, the "Contragate" Hearings, and should should still be available from the public records office. (The case is Florida Federal Court, March 1988 and Eleventh Circit Court, Atlanta, 1989. Tony Avigan and Martha Honey (Plaintiffs) v. Hull, Jones, Corbo, Santiago, Nunez, Chanes, Palacio, R. Gris, W. Gris, Pallais, Galil, Cornillot, Gonzalez, Calero, Cruz, Saenz, Owen, Singlaub, Martin, McCoy, Posey, Quintero, Delamico, Clines, Shackley, Hakim, Secord, Escobar, Ochoa. (Defendents)). The Declaration of Evidence was available from the Christic Institute, 1324 North Capitol Street, N.W., Washington, DC 20002; (202) 797-8106. Try and get hold of it, it's facinating, and this is just a detail on a couple of pages within the evidence of dozens of wars, dozens of drug smuggling/producion/ distribution networks, murder, terrorism, election fixing, etc etc. I believe however, that the CIA finally succeded in closing them down and running them out of town. I cite other sorcesboth official and journalistic at the end.

At the end of WWII the American Government found itself in an unusual position, having just won a war, but finding itself on the wrong side. Harry Truman had been keen to enter the war, as an ally to Hitler and Mussolini1 saying "If the Soviets begin to make gains against the Third Riech, it is imperitive that we aid Hitler in defeating the communists and that we kill as many as possible."2

At the end of the war the staunchly Anti-leftist US found itself victors along side Soviet Russia(CCCP) and the emergent Revolutionary China(PRC) - as well as the UK under its first Socialist Government. Their response was to forge immediate alliances with Germany and Japan3, and to absorb many of their discredited personel into the US's own security services.

In China the communists unter Mao Tse-Tung had held an uneasy truce and alliance with the Chinese Nationalists - Chiang Kai-Chek's KMT. The US took control of the 'Chi Nat' composed of ex Kuomintang(KMT) and swelled their ranks with US marines and Japanese ex POW's and they answered, as did Chaing, to the OSS / CIA from 1945 onwards. When the CIA withdrew the Chi Nat in 1961, Chiang retreated to Taiwan. He was supported by enough CIA officers and irregulars to murder 20,000 civilians in the process of getting himself secure.4

The CIA meanwhile moved the main body of the Chi Nat to Laos. In 1960 the CIA had forced the Socialists out of the democratic coalition government and backed a civil war. Under the CIA's Theo Shackley and Thomas Clines, the Chi Nat fought the civil war for the right wing General Phoumar. Once this puppet government was established they engineered, with Pepsi Cola through Richard Nixon, for a bottling plant to be built there - this was the beginning of the CIA's Heroin racket which funded much of there covert operations (ie without Congresses approval or knowledge) that ended with the Contragate hearings.

900,000 Nationalist troops troops were left behind, conscripted into the PLA(Peoples Liberation Army) as the PVA(Peoples Volunteer Army)and re-educated. In 1950, August I think, with armed political commisars at thier backs, they crossed the Yalu River into North Korea...................and were decimated in the push that almost took the whole of Korea.

Thus clearing up a small Chinese domestic problem. The Chinese involvment in the Korean conflict didn't amount to more than the PVA and the Political Commisars.

Shakley and Cline organised Opium production among the Hmong tribesmen. Donald Gregg oversaw the establishment of training camps for assassins, where the CIA's 'Chi Chi' Quintero, Rafael Villaverde and Felix Rodriguez trained the Hmong and the Chi Nat in terrorist tactics. Richard Secord meanwhile flew in supplies of rice to the Hmong so they could use all their land for opium, and firebombed rival opium growers and socialist friendly villages throughout the region, his planes flew the Opium to the Pepsi factory at Vietiane where it was processed and then flew the Herion back over to Miami where the Cuban mafia ex-pats sold it on the streets. The proceeds, billions of dollars, was laundered through the Nugan Hand Bank in Australia which was set up for that sole purpose, and then used to finance the CIA's extra-curricular activities. Meanwhile Bill Colby was overseeing CIA operations, with George Bush snr working at his right hand.

As they expanded their operations throughout Thailand, Vietnam and Cambodia a little war broke out. The local dictators all wanted a slice of the US smack market and so were prepared to bankroll Nixon's election campaigns (illegally of course) in return for the ex-Chi Nat (Now the ACA) propping up their regimes. The push to keep the Vietnam war going through Nixon's re-election campaign was investigated and turned up payments from the WACL (including Taiwan and Laos) - The Watergate scandal. The burglars Sturgis and Hunt were members of the Miami drug syndicate.

Meanwhile the Chi Nat were used by the WACL to destroy the popular Pathet Lao socialist forces. And Vietnam ended, Shackley who was heading CIA operations 'lost' thousands of additional weapons on the way out of 'Nam, stockpiling them in Thailand to use when needed. And of course the money was all safe in Oz with Nugan Hand. Safe once they'd destroyed Gough Whitlam's Labour government, organised by Michael Hand and Ed Wilson - the CIA's man in Iran.220,000 civilians died in Laos during this operation. Then the CIA pulled out of Laos in 74, transferring operations to Iran, and growing their Heroin in a small neighbouring country, Afghanistan, using the same tactics and the same terrorist training methods to train Special Police for the right wing Middle East Monarchies.

And that's what became of the Chi Nat.


The Shah was returned to power in a CIA staged / Chase Manhattan funded coup in 1953, overthrowing the moderate democratic and popular primeminister Mohammed Mossadegh, to protect the nationalised BP oil interests, in return US companies bagged 40% of these concessions and all profits. Kermit Roosevelt then head of the CIA was rewarded with the vice presidency of Gulf Oil and said in the NY Times "Underdeveloped countries with rich resources now have an object lesson in the heavy cost that must be faced by one of their number that goes berserk with fanatical nationalisation". (That's nationalisation not nationalism). The Shah banked his countries wealth with Chase Manhattan, and rescued the US military industry from the post Vietnam slump. The CIA during this period had a security network in Iran which tortured and murdered tens of thousands of the governments opponents, the penalty for participation in trade union activity was to have your hand cut off by the CIA's secret police.

When he was deposed, the hard-line government got consensus because it was clear that liberal democracy could not stand up to American imperialism. And the Shah was welcomes back to the west as a "good ol' boy". Meanwhile Washington covertly armed and encouraged both sides in the Iraq / Iran war with the aim of weakening these countries economies and infrastructures (through spending billions with US arms companies) and forcing them back to the fold of US finance capital.

The French British and Dutch all gave "moral" support in this without active participation.

  • The Office of Public Saftey Enquiry, 1974 also held much of this information.
  • Alfred W McCoy, Nita S Adams, Noam Chomsky, Laos: War and Revolution; Harper and Row, 1970.
  • Alfred W McCoy, The Politics of Heroin in South East Asia; Harper and Row, 1972.
  • Henrik Kruger, The Great Herion Coup; South End Press, 1980.
  • William Blum, The CIA: A Forgotten History, Zed Books, 1986.
  • Jonathan Kwitney, The Crimes of the Patriots, W.W>Norton, 1987.
  • Hackel and Siegel, In Contempt of Congress; Washington Institute for Policy Studies, 1987.
1Which would clearly have been popular with German and Italian communities within the US.2William Blume, The CIA: A Forgotten History; Zed Books 19863Though notably not Italy, with it's strong socialist parties and unique Marxist tradition.4Alfred McCoy, The Politics of Heroin in South East Asia, Harper and Row, 1972; Joy Hackel and

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