A Conversation for The Official h2g2 Winter 2002 Party

Non-smoking or smoking?

Post 21

The Darkness

A piggy back? Up the stairs you say? smiley - sigh

You would have thought that one of the great horsemen could handle some stairs wouldn't you. It's all a bit sad really. Oh well, I suppose if you have to.

I can only apologise for being so bony. You see I can't eat food, being a corporeal entity and all that. It just leaves nasty stains on the carpet.

Oh god. I hate carpet!! smiley - sadface

Non-smoking or smoking?

Post 22

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

Well, hopefully the pub will have floor boards, you alright with floor boards? smiley - smiley

Non-smoking or smoking?

Post 23

The Darkness

Not really. Being a corporeal being, I tend to seep through the cracks, which is very dissappointing, I must say.

I hate floorboards.

smiley - sadface

Non-smoking or smoking?

Post 24

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

Well maybe it just has concrete floors, with no carpets, or floor boards... <smiley - erm you alright on concrete?

Non-smoking or smoking?

Post 25

The Darkness

A pub, with a concrete floor?

Sounds like a morgue. Do we always have parties in morgues? You see I'm not very quick and may have missed something. For all I know morgues may be the height of fashion.

I hate morgues. It's a bit like a busmans holiday if you know what I mean. smiley - sigh

Non-smoking or smoking?

Post 26


Ummmmm, I see the conversation has moved on from its original point (oh gloomy one!). Just like to say, thanks for that great solution, its fantastic to be taken seriously with the smoking issue.smiley - biggrin

I just hope Whisky and 2legs can pop down into the nasty clean air for a quick moment to say hello!

Will you be there then Darkness? smiley - sadface

Non-smoking or smoking?

Post 27

The Darkness

I supposed I'll have to be. Grim isn't it. All those depressingly jolly people in one room. All at the same time. How dreadfull.

smiley - sigh

I suppose I'll see you there. You'll probably find me slumped under the lightswitch.

smiley - sadface

Non-smoking or smoking?

Post 28


we'll all look out for you!

Non-smoking or smoking?

Post 29

The Darkness

Oh dear. smiley - sadface

Non-smoking or smoking?

Post 30


and we'll see if we can cheer you up!! smiley - smiley

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