A Conversation for SEXY MAC 2010

Hashtag Log

Post 1

Demon Drawer

Yeah we decided to Tweet the 10th Anniversary Meet up of should that be Tweet up. Here is the history of the #SRG10 hashtag addition comments in [square brackets]

5 August 9:22 [Only post from before the day I'm including] EV Meant to post at 7pm that the h2g2 Scottish Researchers Group 10th anniversary meet starts in 42 hours time. Typical SRG tardiness. #srg10

7 August 9:44 DD Must remember to put credit on my phone ahead of the #srg10 meet up later #h2g2

10:09 DD Looking forward to the #srg10 meet up later today and catch up with some good friends. #h2g2

10:10 DD I'll probably be getting told off that my Twavatar mentions politics by the rest of #srg10 but that's just tradition #h2g2

10:22 EV Time to start getting ready for the #srg10 meet up and its ensuing trail of chaos. A bath, I think.

10:24 EV @DD Can we write "Politics done" in the log yet? #srg10

10:47 @EV You just have on the online version. That must be a record. Politics done before the meet up. #SRG10 #H2G2

10:48 DD @EV I know that in the past have pointed to the 'politics done' entry before I arrive but never before EVERYONE #srg10

10:58 DD Think I may have unearthed an original towel from the first SRG meeting. Think it deserves an outing to #SRG10 smiley - smiley

10:58 EV @2legs Yeah, why aren't you going? #srg10

11:02 hgjules @EV Look forward to the meet report, should anyone be capable...have a good one! #srg10

11:08 DD May have to ask the piper at the Scott Monument to do this as a request for the #SRG10 http://youtu.be/JlCd4oKXmBM

11:57 DD Heading down to the train station to head in for #srg10. Wonder if FC and Babel will join at Livi north or be fashionably late?

12:14 EV 2 scheduling errors later, have been on a bus, off the bus again and am now on a train. #srg10

12:34 EV At the Scott Monument with my associate Ku'reshtin. Unfashionably early. #srg10

12:35 EV Have also roped in Mouse who will be arriving sometime. #srg10

12:44 DD Well with most of the train waiting to buy tickets on the platform (only two carriages) now heading to Scott Monument #srg10

13:09 DD In a tribute to AA Milne now we are six #srg10

13:58 DD Having summited the Scott Monument now retracing our steps of ten years ago #srg10

14:01 DD We have stopped as shopaholic FC could not walk past the Jenners sale #srg10

14:20 EV Causing confusion and delay in the futon showroom that used to be Cyberia. #srg10 [See original meet write up for significance]

14:35 Beeswaxy @EV Why on earth are you lot in a futon showroom?!? #srg10

14:35 Beeswaxy @EV They must love you! #srg10

15:39 DD Now we have 10 researchers one for each year. At the hut Frederick St not as it says on Ku's foursquare #srg10

16:59 DD Well we go on the tram and I have to do politics with a disgruntaled #LEF voter #srg10

17:30 DD We are playing sardines at the World's End not quite RATEOTU but close as we'll get #srg10

Fords [still at work] #srg10 I really, really, really need a drink

EV About to leave the pub and head in the vague direction of the restaurant. Google Maps ftw! #srg10

Beeswaxy @EV @evibenstein How does it? Who is there? #srg10

EV @hgjules We've just called it a night. Good times though! #srg10B

DD Passed Simon Callow on the way with Mouse to the train station #srg10

Fords The #srg10 meet was good fun, even though I wasn't there for most of it! How people coped I just don't know

EV The log for #srg10 - remember, if it's in the log, it's true. http://bit.ly/98UyIk

EV #srg10 photos and video clips - http://bit.ly/9tESsJ

Now I could wait for the time stamps for the later postings. May have to do that tomorrow.

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