Morris off! - dealing with noisy neighbours

2 Conversations

Noisy neighbours are a pain in the backside. Loud music comes floating (or hammering) through your walls.

How to deal with it?

Talk to them. Tell them what an impact it's having for you. If you're sufficiently friendly with them, invite them in and let them hear what it sounds like from your house.

If it's teenagers, often they will play loud music when their parents are out. If talking doesn't work (or you don't want to go round yet again, try giving them a bit of their own medicine. Put a tape in your tape recorder - open your door - point it at their house and play Morris Dance music at the same volume as theirs, gradually decreasing the volume gradually.

Often, within half an hour, they give up and either reduce the volume, or go somewhere else.


Retaliation may be illegal, but it can work. If it doesn't, other options are to go for mediation or to inform the Noise Pollution Officer - usually under Environmental Health.

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